Major National Award Recognizes Purdue Veterinarian for Outstanding Public Service

Dr. San Miguel speaks at the Jefferson Awards ceremony in Washington, D.C.
Dr. Sandra San Miguel was honored with a national Jefferson Award for Outstanding Public Service by an Employee June 18 in Washington, D.C., at the national award ceremony for Multiplying Good, the nation’s leading nonprofit focused on fueling personal growth and leadership through public service. (Photo by Paul Morigi/Getty Images for Multiplying Good)

A Purdue Veterinary Medicine faculty member and administrator gained national recognition this summer at Multiplying Good’s national Jefferson Awards Gala, when she was recognized for her work aimed at broadening diversity in the veterinary medical profession. Dr. Sandra San Miguel, associate dean for engagement and professor in the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, received a Jefferson Award for Outstanding Public Service by an Employee, for creation of the after-school program named This is How We “Role.” The program shows grade school children what veterinary medicine is like to inspire their interest in science.

“When I was a kid and messed up, there was always someone — a teacher, guidance counselor, coach, physical therapist — who showed me how to be a better human being instead of giving up on me,” Dr. San Miguel said. “We created This is How We ‘Role’ to serve as a way to continue this type of mentoring.”

This is How We “Role” was launched in 2015 with support from the Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) program of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health. The funding allowed the Purdue team to develop a science and math curriculum for kids that would be delivered by veterinary student role models.

The long-term goal of This is How We “Role” is to diversify the veterinarian-scientist workforce. The program has reached hundreds of children and will continue to reach more. Already, This is How We “Role” has expanded across the country as 19 other U.S. veterinary schools and colleges have adopted the program with the support of the SEPA grant.

Multiplying Good, formerly known as the Jefferson Awards Foundation, is a national nonprofit dedicated to powering and celebrating public service. Purdue participates in Multiplying Good’s Champions program, joining various businesses and educational institutions nationwide who partner with the organization to engage in meaningful public service and celebrate their communities with Jefferson Awards.

Watch a video of Dr. San Miguel receiving her award at:

Writer(s): Kevin Doerr |