College Prepares for 60th Anniversary Celebration

Lynn Hall groundbreaking pictured

Dignitaries gathered for a groundbreaking ceremony signaling the start of construction of Lynn Hall, home to the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, which enrolled its first class in 1959.

The Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine will celebrate its 60th anniversary in 2019. “It’s hard to believe that our 60th Anniversary is less than a year away, when it seems like only a couple of years ago we were celebrating our 50th,” PVM Dean Willie Reed said. “To prepare for this next milestone in our College’s history, I have assembled a 60th Anniversary Committee to plan a variety of celebratory activities.”  The committee includes faculty, staff, students, and alumni, and is chaired by Dr. Jim Weisman (PU DVM ’97), assistant dean for student affairs and clinical associate professor.

During its inaugural meeting the committee reviewed the various events that the College organized for its 50th Anniversary and brainstormed ideas for the upcoming 60th, which will coincide with Purdue University’s 150th anniversary.  “The committee members’ enthusiasm for ensuring that our celebration will be meaningful is a great sign for what’s to come,” Dr. Weisman said.  Currently the committee is finalizing plans and forming subcommittees that will focus on the various elements of the 60th Anniversary plans.  “We will shine the spotlight on Purdue Veterinary Medicine in a way that dovetails with the University’s sesquicentennial celebration,” Dr. Weisman explained.

One of the first tasks, already completed, involved development of the 60th anniversary graphic.  Now various ideas are being considered for how to utilize the graphic during the 60th Anniversary year.  Other plans in the works include a kick-off event early in 2019, a birthday celebration around the time of the start of the 2019 fall semester (PVM’s first class started in fall 1959), a special service trip focused on meeting the needs of others, and a celebration during the 2019 Purdue Veterinary Conference to wrap-up the 60th Anniversary year.

“These are just some of the ideas that we are working on,” explained Dr. Weisman.  “More details will be forthcoming as our subcommittees finalize plans.  I’m confident there will be something for everyone!  It’s sure to be a great year with opportunities for alumni, faculty, staff, students and friends of the College to celebrate this important milestone together in fun and meaningful ways.”

Writer(s): Kevin Doerr |