March 5, 2021
One of the cornerstones of the Veterinary Nursing Distance Learning Program in the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine is the flexibility that keeps the door open to a veterinary nursing career for non-traditional students. Perhaps no one can testify to that better than Karen “Coco” Schefmeyer. When the 63-year-old enrolled in the distance learning program, she brought a wealth of real world experience to the virtual classroom, and she doesn’t miss a beat as she works toward earning her associate’s degree in veterinary nursing.
January 22, 2021
The seventh annual Veterinary Nursing Symposium will be hosted virtually following Protect Purdue guidelines. Taking place Saturday, March 20 and Sunday, March 21, the program will feature a Large Animal track on Day 1 and Small Animal on Day 2.
January 15, 2021
PetDesk, a leading veterinary patient engagement software company, is teaming up with the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in veterinary nursing through a new scholarship program for Purdue Veterinary Nursing students.
December 16, 2020
As with so many aspects of the year 2020, “Back to School” took on a whole new meaning for Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine students, faculty and staff as a new semester began in August. DVM and veterinary nursing students were among the more than 41,000 students who came back to the Purdue campus for in-person instruction that had been discontinued in March when the raging COVID-19 pandemic necessitated a sudden switch to online instruction and students were sent home.
December 15, 2020
As Boilermakers, Purdue Veterinary Medicine’s team of faculty, staff and students realizes that persistent planning is key to taking the small steps that enable the College of Veterinary Medicine to persistently pursue the next giant leap. That is why the college has a culture of strategic planning. Since 2010, two five-year strategic plans have been developed and implemented. When the most recent of those plans neared its end in 2020, teams of faculty and staff reviewed the document, taking note of the college’s achievements, and developed a “refreshed” strategic plan with revised and updated action items for the time period of 2021-2023.
October 16, 2020
Purdue Veterinary Medicine takes great pride in educating the entire veterinary team, and veterinary nurses are a big part of that team! To show its support and gratitude for veterinary nurses, the College of Veterinary Medicine held a week-long celebration of Veterinary Nursing Appreciation Week.
September 4, 2020
Students in the Purdue Veterinary Nursing Program’s Class of 2023 stepped into the spotlight during the 9th annual Veterinary Nursing Stethoscope Celebration during the first week of the fall semester. Organizers of the event took extraordinary steps to safely continue this beloved college tradition for the students in a way that is in line with the Protect Purdue campaign, by utilizing social distancing and hybrid event technologies.
August 28, 2020
With the summer coming to an end, Lynn Hall welcomes incoming DVM and Veterinary Nursing students.
June 17, 2020
The rigor of the veterinary medical curriculum is legendary, and the heritage of face-to-face instruction in classrooms, laboratories, and clinics is cherished. So when COVID-19 reached pandemic status, and Purdue University had to make a sudden change from on-campus classes to online courses, in less than two weeks’ time, faculty and staff faced a more than daunting challenge.
June 16, 2020
Life is unpredictable, as we have been so starkly reminded in the past few months. But when the COVID-19 pandemic began to obliterate plans for long-held spring-time traditions, especially graduation ceremonies, we all had a chance to realize anew that the success which earns true respect does not flow from an absence of change, but from the character, tenacity, and persistence required to meld change into new opportunity. So, as Purdue University and the College of Veterinary Medicine recognized that there was no way to safely conduct in-person May commencement exercises, teams set about planning something unprecedented – graduation ceremonies in the realm of virtual reality.