Veterinary Nursing

New PVM Hire a Boilermaker Career Fair Deemed Huge Success

September 28, 2018

The week of the Purdue Veterinary Conference was full of events. This year, a new event that coincided with the conference made students and employers very happy: the PVM Hire a Boilermaker Career Fair. Coordinated by the PVM Office of Student Services, the career fair was held Friday, September 21.

New Year Begins for DVM and Veterinary Nursing Students

August 24, 2018

“Welcome” and “welcome back” were familiar sayings heard in the hallways of Lynn Hall in the past couple of weeks as new students arrived for the start of their veterinary education while other Purdue Veterinary Medicine students who were away for summer break returned to campus.

Special Tradition Kicks-off School Year for Veterinary Nursing Students

August 24, 2018

Second-year veterinary nursing students gathered Monday night (August 20) at the seventh annual Veterinary Nursing Stethoscope Dinner, which marks the start of the clinical phase of their education.