The following Purdue Veterinary Medicine awards honor outstanding teachers.
The PVM Excellence in Teaching Award honors faculty of the College of Veterinary Medicine with consistent dedication and excellence in teaching and education of veterinary students, veterinary technology students, medical students, undergraduate and graduate students, interns and residents who have positively impacted students and faculty.
Nominations are due 03/01/2025.
Submit nomination documents to The Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.
The nomination document should not exceed six pages with no smaller than 12-point font and no less than 1" margins. The nomination document should include all of the following:
The nominee’s Curriculum Vitae should be submitted with the nomination (not included in the 6 page limit).
All PVM faculty members who have been involved in teaching and education of veterinary students, veterinary technology students, medical students, undergraduate and graduate students, interns, and residents in the College of Veterinary Medicine are eligible. Recipients of the award shall be ineligible for reconsideration for the following 5 years.
The faculty member should have demonstrated excellence in teaching at Purdue College of Veterinary Medicine as evidenced by: creative endeavor for improving methods of imparting knowledge and improving the process of learning; having a positive impact on students; and helping other faculty and/or staff to become better teachers. The faculty member should have demonstrated sustained service to the College of Veterinary Medicine through participation in committees, meetings, support of College programs, etc. Any faculty member who meets the eligibility criteria may be nominated by a fellow faculty member or Department Head/Director for consideration by the Screening Committee. The Dean and Associate and Assistant Deans may not nominate colleagues.
The Raymon E. Plue Oustanding Teacher Award rewards individuals who are outstanding teachers, scholars, and role models for students.
Nominations are due 03/01/2025.
More in-depth information about this award can be in the following documents.
Any teacher who instructed DVM students is eligible for nomination (selection is not limited to DVM program faculty). The recipient must be teaching at the university at the time the award is to be presented.
Nomination will be based on an evaluation of the individual in the following areas:
The Alumni Faculty Award for Excellence recognizes voting Purdue Veterinary Medicine faculty members for excellence in research, scholarship and creative endeavors, instruction and public and professional services and relations.
Nominations are due 03/01/2025.
Email nominations documents to The Office of the Dean.
All voting members of the Purdue Veterinary Medicine faculty are eligible. Award recipients are ineligible for reconsideration.
Any number of eligible faculty members may be nominated to the Selection Committee. Selection is based on the judged performances and contributions in one or more of the following:
This award recognizes an outstanding teacher who demonstrates superior ability in communicating the chosen material to students and stimulates their desire to master the material. This teacher will also recognize his/her teaching responsibility does not stop at the classroom door, and therefore, will be ready to aid and motivate students in a counseling and advisory capacity, either formally or informally.
Nominations are due 03/11/2025.
This award is for an PVM faculty member who has been most helpful to the senior class in their pursuit of the degree, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.
Nominations are due 03/19/2025.
This award recognizes outstanding instructors who, through their ability, dedication, character, and leadership, contribute significantly to the advancement of the profession of veterinary medicine.
Nominations are due 03/11/2024.
Recipients are selected based on a ballot distributed to DVM students in March of each year.
This award honors a staff veterinary nurse, teaching technologist, graduate student, intern, resident, or faculty member within the College of Veterinary Medicine who has taught students in class, labs, and/or clinical rotations and who demonstrates the ability to clearly communicate course content to students, facilitates skill acquisition, motivates students, demonstrates a continued willingness to facilitate student learning outside the formal classroom, laboratory, and/or clinic setting, is willing to counsel and mentor students, and provides a positive role model to students.
Nominations are due 03/11/2024.
Ballots are due March.