Faculty & Staff

PVM Family Program Series Puts Spotlight on Dental Health

February 22, 2019

February is National Pet Dental Health Month and National Children’s Dental Health Month, both of which provide a great lead-in to the next PVM Family Series presentation entitled, “Don’t Give Dental Care the Brush Off.”

PVM Cancer Researcher Speech Highlights Purdue Inventors’ Reception

February 15, 2019

Dr. Timothy Ratliff, a Purdue Veterinary Medicine faculty member who helps lead Purdue’s efforts to find treatments and potential cures for cancer, served as the featured speaker at an event honoring the University’s inventors who received a patent in the most recent fiscal year.

Successful Interview Days Mark Important Step Toward Filling DVM Class of 2023

February 8, 2019

Nearly 300 prospective Purdue DVM students visited Lynn Hall during the last two Fridays as part of the College of Veterinary Medicine’s DVM Program admissions process.

Purdue Veterinarians Give Winter Weather Tips for Pet Owners

February 8, 2019

With the onset of more frigid temperatures (temperature drop of 40 degrees yesterday!), Purdue’s Veterinary Medicine experts are sharing advice about keeping your furry friends safe from the winter elements.

Purdue Veterinary Medicine Gears-up for 60th Anniversary Kick-off

February 8, 2019

Since 2019 marks Purdue Veterinary Medicine’s 60th Anniversary, the College is getting ready for a special Kick-off Celebration in just three weeks with special guest, Dr. Karen Cornell (PU DVM ’83, PhD ’93)

In Memory: PVM Retiree Curtis Sherwin

February 8, 2019

Curtis Sherwin, Jr., of Romney, Ind., who served many years in what was then the College of Veterinary Medicine’s Medical Illustration unit, passed away Thursday, January 31, at Banner Baywood Medical Center in Mesa, Ariz. He was 71.

Dean Willie Reed Featured as part of AAVMC Black History Month Focus

February 8, 2019

February is Black History Month, and Purdue Veterinary Medicine joins the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC) in emphasizing how this occasion presents a great opportunity to reflect upon the many contributions made in academic veterinary medicine by African Americans.

Veterinary Nursing Program begins Student Interviews Today

February 8, 2019

The Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine and the Veterinary Nursing Admission’s Committee are welcoming current high school senior interviewees and guests for the on-campus Veterinary Nursing Program today and tomorrow.

Commissioning Ceremony Honors Four Army Scholarship Recipients in PVM’s Class of 2022

February 1, 2019

With friends and family looking on, four first-year Purdue veterinary students raised their right hands and took their oath of office as newly appointed second lieutenants in the U.S. Army Reserve during a special commissioning ceremony Tuesday, January 29, in Lynn Hall.

VMX Conference Recognizes PVM Faculty and Staff as Speakers of the Year

February 1, 2019

Congratulations are in order for two members of the Purdue University Veterinary Teaching Hospital team who were recognized as recipients of the 2018 VMX Speaker of the Year Award Monday, January 21, in Orlando, Fla., during this year’s annual Veterinary Meeting and Expo (VMX).