Faculty & Staff

Do alternative diets work for pets like they do for people?

November 13, 2019

More people are turning to alternative diets to stay healthy. So can the same work for our pets? Veterinarians say it’s not that simple and can sometimes even be dangerous. “Nutrition is truly not all in a can or all in a bag and not all cans and bags are created equally,” said Dr. Nolie […]

Anthrax may be the next tool in the fight against bladder cancer

November 13, 2019

Anthrax may soon help more people win the fight against bladder cancer, which the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says strikes about 72,000 Americans each year and kills about 16,000, and is one of the most expensive cancers to treat. The current treatments for bladder cancer are invasive for patients – who often must sit […]

Faculty Feature: Dr. Chee Kin Lim

November 8, 2019

The Vet Gazette continues its series on recently promoted faculty by shining the spotlight this week on Dr. Chee Kin Lim, who was promoted to clinical associate professor of diagnostic imaging in the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences.

Veterinary Nursing Program Welcomes New Advisor

November 8, 2019

Purdue Veterinary Medicine welcomes Daniel Mikkelsen, MA to the Veterinary Nursing Program. Daniel joined the team as a new academic advisor effective October 28.

Diagnostic Imaging Team Hosts Spooky Halloween Dessert Contest

November 8, 2019

Halloween at Lynn Hall included some fun costumes and yummy treats, courtesy of Diagnostic Imaging! The Purdue Veterinary Teaching Hospital’s Diagnostic Imaging team hosted its first annual Halloween Dessert Contest on October 31.

Faculty Feature Series on Promoted Faculty Shines Spotlight on Dr. Kenitra Hendrix

November 1, 2019

The Vet Gazette this week begins a series celebrating the talented faculty members who received promotions effective with the 2019-2020 academic year. This issue focuses on Dr. Kenitra Hendrix, who was promoted to clinical associate professor of veterinary diagnostic microbiology in the Department of Comparative Pathobiology.

Is Your Dog Hiding its True Colors? PVM Researchers Provide Answers

November 1, 2019

A study conducted by researchers in the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine shows that some breeds of dogs have hidden coat colors and other traits.

Veterinary Nurse Shares Passion for CPR Training by Hosting RECOVER Workshop

November 1, 2019

Guided by her commitment to furthering veterinary CPR education, Purdue Veterinary Medicine’s own Courtney Waxman, CVT, RVT, VTS (ECC) held a workshop recently to assist others in obtaining their Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Life Support (ALS) certifications.

Gratitude Abounds During Veterinary Nursing Appreciation Week

October 18, 2019

Purdue Veterinary Medicine takes great pride in educating the entire veterinary team, and veterinary nurses are a big part of that team! To show its support and gratitude, the College held a week-long celebration of Veterinary Nursing Appreciation Week with a different menu each day.

Pets Draw a Crowd at PVM’s Homecoming Booth

October 18, 2019

A flurry of special events and activities last weekend marked the culmination of Purdue University’s 150 Years of Giant Leaps campaign, and Purdue Veterinary Medicine played a role in the celebration.