
PVM Alumnus Selected as AASV Vice President

March 23, 2018

Dr. Jeff Harker (PU DVM ’94) of Frankfort, Ind., was installed as the newly elected vice president of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV) earlier this month during the organization’s annual meeting in San Diego, Calif.

Reception at WVC in Las Vegas Celebrates PVM Alumni and Friends

March 23, 2018

More than 40 Purdue Veterinary Medicine alumni and friends turned-out for the annual Purdue Alumni Reception at the Western Veterinary Conference (WVC) in Las Vegas, Nev. They renewed acquaintances, visited with PVM faculty who were in attendance, and heard an update on the College and Ever True fundraising campaign goals from Dean Willie Reed.

PVM Heads “Off to the Races” at Purdue Alumni’s Boilermaker Ball

March 2, 2018

It was “Off to the Races” last weekend for the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, which was recognized as the featured partner of the Purdue Alumni Association at the 11th Annual Boilermaker Ball. Held Saturday, February 24, at the Indianapolis Marriott, the event featured a Kentucky Derby theme that gave the College a unique opportunity to share the impact it makes on Indiana’s equine industry with a crowd of loyal Boilermaker alumni and friends.

PVM Alumni Gather at Reception in Orlando

February 16, 2018

The Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine hosted a reception for alumni at NAVC’s 2018 Veterinary Meeting and Expo (VMX) Tuesday, February 6.

PVM Alumnus Retires as Auburn University Provost

February 2, 2018

Dr. Timothy Boosinger (PU DVM ’76) is retiring as the provost and vice president for academic affairs at Auburn University. He was honored for his 35-year Auburn career at a reception held January 18 at The Hotel at Auburn University and Dixon Conference Center.

Dr. Christine Jenkins Speaks on Diversity and Inclusion during Inclusive Excellence Week

January 26, 2018

Purdue Veterinary Medicine’s VOICE chapter (Veterinarians as One Inclusive Community for Empowerment) hosted Inclusive Excellence Week last week, January 15-18, which featured several special events, including a number of guest speakers. The Martin Luther King Jr. Keynote Speaker was Dr. Christine Jenkins, chief medical officer and vice president of veterinary medical services and outcomes research at Zoetis. Due to the rare opportunities she has to give such presentations, her talk proved a unique opportunity for the PVM family.

PVM Veterinary Technology Advisory Board Meets to Provide Input

January 19, 2018

The Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine’s Veterinary Technology Advisory Board gathered for its annual meeting in Lynn Hall last month.

Purdue Veterinary Technology Graduates Recognized at Winter Commencement

January 12, 2018

Purdue University’s winter commencement ceremonies Sunday, December 17, included recognition of two Purdue Veterinary Technology Program graduates.