Research Resources and FAQs

Research Resources

The links on this page point you to a wide range of services and programs that will help you translate scientific discoveries into novel ways to maintain and improve human and animal health. They are directed to resources both inside and outside the Center for Clinical Translational Research. This page is maintained by the Center for Clinical Translational Research and the Research Office of the College of Veterinary Medicine. Please contact Erin Lane (765-496-3487; for omissions, suggestions, mistakes and missing links.

Research INFORMATION links

Frequently updated quick reference guide to research websites within and outside Purdue University

Click here for more information (PDF)

Research FUNDING links

Frequently updated quick reference guide to websites from research funding sources

Click here for more information (PDF)

You cannot find an answer to your question?

Find out whether the Center for Clinical Translational Research can point you in the right direction

Service core laboratories

CTSI and Purdue core laboratories that can assist you with your animal studies


The OneHealth initiative unites human and veterinary medicine

In-vivo pre-clinical research support

The Pre-Clinical Research Laboratory can help you with budgets, PACUC approval, coordination, planning and execution of your pre-clinical animal studies

Equine Research Support

The Donald J. McCrosky Equine Sports Medicine Center can help you with budgets, PACUC approval, coordination, planning and execution of pre-clinical and clinical studies in equine health.

Translational pharmacology support

Purdue's resources for In vivo drug metabolism studies in multiple animal species

Histology and necropsy support

The Histology Research Laboratory can assist you with all your necropsy and histology needs; assistance with budget preparation and consultation on slide interpretation is available.

Digital slide imaging support

The digital imaging group of the Histology Research Laboratory can scan your research and teaching slides

Animal clinical research support

The Veterinary Clinical Trial support service can help you with budget preparation, PACUC approval, technical support, coordination, planning and execution of your clinical animal studies

Recruitment for veterinary clinical studies

The Veterinary Clinical Trial support service can assist with patient recruitment for clinical animal studies

Animal Biospecimen service

The Veterinary Clinical Trial support service can assist you with collection and archiving of animal biospecimens

REDCap support

REDCap is a secure web-based collection and management tool for clinical research and research administration.

Regulatory knowledge and support

Consultation regarding regulatory requirements for approval of your drug, device or biologic

Implementation and commercialization

How do I implement and/or commercialize my newly developed test article?

Design and statistics

Consultation on the design and the statistical analysis of animal studies

Bioethics and animal subject advocacy

How do we ensure the welfare of our animals?

CTSI Research Resources

On-line listing of CTSI Research Resources

How do I contact CTSI-Purdue?

Email Thomas Sors at to contact CTSI-Purdue for assistance

Did not find an answer to your question?

Maybe the Research Office of the College of Veterinary Medicine can help you

Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, 625 Harrison Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907, 765-494-7607

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