
About the Office of Research

Discovery is an integral and critical part of our mission. Our research is comparative and translational in nature and is aimed at enhancing the health and well-being of animals and people. Comparative refers to the investigation of diseases in different animal species. Lessons learned from studying a disease in one species often improve our knowledge of similar diseases in other species. Examples are influenza, a disease which afflicts people, poultry, swine, horses and dogs; and cancer, which is unfortunately common in both companion animals and people. The broad training that veterinarians receive prepares them well for comparative research. Translational is the application of new discoveries in the clinic and on the farm. Basic research in the College of Veterinary Medicine focuses on the molecular mechanisms of cellular responses to injury and infection, and the transformation of normal cells to cancer cells. Through collaborations with clinical faculty, discoveries made in the laboratory can be rapidly translated to the real world resulting in improved treatment and prevention of diseases in animals and people.

Contact the Office of Research

Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine
Office of Research
625 Harrison Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Phone: (765) 496-3487

Our faculty collaborate with scientists in other colleges at Purdue University, in the Indiana University School of Medicine, and, indeed, with scientists across the US and abroad. The College of Veterinary Medicine is an essential component of the Indiana Clinical and Translational Science Institute. This partnership emphasizes the importance of our research not only for animal health, but also human and public health.

The Discovery efforts in the College of Veterinary Medicine are focused on five signature research programs. These are Infectious Diseases and ImmunologyCancerNeuroscienceMusculoskeletal Biology and Orthopedics; and Animal Welfare Science and Human-Animal Bond.

An established and high quality research program is also pivotal to training the next generation of biomedical scientists. Veterinary and pre-vet students have the opportunity to participate in research under the guidance of faculty mentors in the Veterinary Summer Research Program. The departmental and the Interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences graduate programs provide advanced research training leading to a M.S. or Ph.D. degree. In addition, post-doctoral fellows work in laboratories preparing for an independent research career. The graduates of these programs are highly capable and motivated to bring innovative solutions to current and future problems in animal and human health.

Leadership and Staff

Dr. Harm HogenEsch

Harm HogenEsch, DVM, PhD, DACVP

Associate Dean for Research, Distinguished Professor of Immunopathology 

Phone: (765) 496-3487

Erin Lane

Erin Lane

Administrative Assistant, Research Programs/Interdisciplinary Biosciences (IBSC) Graduate Program

Phone: (765) 496-3487

Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, 625 Harrison Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907, 765-494-7607

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