PREP Research Mentors

Claudio R. Aguilar, Biological Sciences, College of Science
Research Areas: Cancer metastasis, novel therapeutics, pediatric cancer, developmental diseases, genetic diseases, cell biology, biochemistry, genetics, protein chemistry, bioinformatics
Model Systems: Immortalized cells, primary cells, mice, zebrafish, client-owned pets

Edward Bartlett, Biological Sciences/Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering
Research Areas: neuroscience, aging, hearing electrophysiology sensory systems
Model Systems: Mice, rats

Kim Buhman, Nutrition Science, College of Health and Human Sciences
Research Area: Dietary fat absorption, intestinal lipid metabolism chylomicron synthesis and secretion, cytoplasmic lipid droplets, obesity Type 2 diabetes, nutrition
Model Systems: Immortalized cells, primary cells, mice

Jason Cannon, Health Sciences, College of Health and Human Sciences
Research  Areas: Neurodegeneration, neurotoxicology, gene-environment interactions, comparative biology of neurodegeneration, neurobehavior, experimental neuropathology; neurochemistry, mechanisms of neurotoxic action
Model Systems: Immortalized cells, primary cells, mice, rats, frogs

Deva Chan, Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering
Research Areas: Osteoarthritis, cartilage, biomedical imaging, biomechanics, mechanobiology, extracellular matrix, hyaluronan biology
Model Systems: Immortalized cells, primary cells, mice

Julia Chester, Psychological Sciences, College of Health and Human Sciences
Research Areas: Animal models pharmacology, genetics, alcohol use disorder, stress, neurobiology, behavior, emotional regulation fear, anxiety
Model System: Mice

Abigail Cox, Comparative Pathobiology/Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, College of Veterinary Medicine
Research Areas: Veterinary pathology, digital pathology, comparative animal models of human disease, translational research in laryngeal physiology
Model Systems: Mice, rats, rabbits, pigs

Maria Dadarlat Makin, Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering
Research Areas: Systems neuroscience, neural engineering, sensorimotor integration, vision, electrophysiology, imaging
Model Systems:  Mice

Meng Deng, Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering
Research Areas: Biomaterials, regenerative engineering, drug delivery, cell engineering, biodegradable polymers
Model Systems: Immortalized cells, primary cells, mice, zebrafish

Emily Dykhuizen, Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, College of Pharmacy
Research Areas: Epigenetics, chromatin remodeling, chemical biology, drug discovery, cancer therapy resistance
Model Systems: Immortalized cells, primary cells, mice

Paul Ebner, Animal Sciences, College of Agriculture
Research Areas: Microbiology
Model Systems: 

Kari Ekenstedt, Basic Medical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine
Research Areas: Genetics, genomics, molecular genetics, canid felid coat color, neurological diseases, musculoskeletal diseases
Model Systems: Client-owned pets

Marxa L. FigueiredoBasic Medical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine
Research Areas: Cancer biology, arthritis, gene therapy, drug discovery, gene delivery polymers/biomaterials, bone-tumor interaction, targeted therapeutics
Model Systems: Immortalized cells, primary cells, mice

Edward A. Fox, Psychological Sciences, College of Health and Human Sciences
Research Areas: Brain - gut interactions; control of feeding; food/nutrients sensing in the intestine; eating, body weight, and mental illness; mapping innervation of the GI tract in mice; how food in the GI tract activates neurons and gene expression in brain pathways that control feeding
Model System: Mice

Jennifer Freeman, Health Sciences, College of Health and Human Sciences
Research Areas: Developmental toxicology, neurotoxicology, genomics, epigenomics, Alzheimer's disease, developmental origins of health and disease, environmental health
Model System: Zebrafish

Craig Goergen, Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering
Research Areas: Cardiovascular disease, imaging, ultrasound, biomechanics, aneurysms, heart disease, photoacoutsic imaging
Model Systems: Mice, rats

Lori Hoagland ,  Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, College of Agriculture
Research Areas:  Plant microbial symbioses, pathogen biocontrol, induced systemic resistance, microbially-mediated elemental cycling in soils
Model Systems:  Tomato, carrot

Harm HogenEsch,  Comparative Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine
Research Areas: Immunology, vaccines, vaccine adjuvants, allergies, atopic dermatitis
Model Systems: Immortalized cells, primary cells, mice, client-owned pets, pigs

Andrea Kasinski, Biological Sciences, College of Science
Research Areas: MicroRNA, lung cancer, exosomes, therapeutics, delivery, epigenetics
Model Systems: Immortalized cells, mice

Adam Kimbrough, Basic Medical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine
Research Areas: Addiction, neuroscience networks, alcohol, opioids, substance use disorder, withdrawal
Model System: Mice

Tamara Kinzer-Ursem,  Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering
Research Areas: Protein engineering, systems biology, computational biology, disease diagnostics, molecular neuroscience
Model Systems: Immortalized cells, primary cells, mice

Shihuan Kuang, Animal Sciences, College of Agriculture
Research Areas: Muscle regeneration, stem cells, myogenesis, adipose, obesity, type 2 diabetes
Model Systems: Immortalized cells, primary cells, mice, pigs 

Richard Kuhn, Biological Sciences, College of Science
Research Areas: Virology, structural biology, biochemistry, RNA viruses, structure-function analyses

Doug LaCount, Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, College of Pharmacy
Research Areas: Virus-host interactions, protein-protein interactions, Ebola virus, Marburg virus, Zika virus
Model Systems: Immortalized cells

Timothy Lescun, Veterinary Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine
Research Areas: Clinical orthopedics, bone fracture, external fixation, equine, large animal
Model System: Client-owned pets

Yuk-Fei Leung,  Biological Sciences, College of Science
Research Areas: Retinal degeneration, screening new drugs
Model System: Zebrafish

Dianne Little, Basic Medical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine
Research Areas: Tendon, osteoarthritis, biomaterial, orthopedics, tissue engineering, proteomics, transcriptomics, stem cell, regenerative medicine
Model Systems: Primary cells, mice

Seema Mattoo, Biological Sciences, College of Science
Research Areas: Cell signaling, post-translational modifications, structure-function mechanisms, Fic protein, bacterial pathogenesis, Parkinson's disease, cancer
Model System: Immortalized cells

Suresh Mittal, Comparative Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine
Research Areas: COVID-19 seasonal and pandemic influenza viruses, adenoviral vectors, innate and adaptive immunity 
Model Systems: Immortalized cells, primary cells, mice, rabbits

Sanjeev Narayanan, Comparative Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine
Research Areas: Pathology, pathogenesis, bacteriology, fusobacterium, abscesses, veterinary, antimicrobial resistance
Model Systems: Immortalized cells, primary cells, mice

Peristera Paschou, Biological Sciences, College of Science
Research Areas: Human genetics, population genetics, complex disease, genome-wide association studies, next generation sequencing data analysis, neuropsychiatric disorders, Tourette Syndrome, neurodevelopmental disorders

Joseph Rispoli, Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering
Research Areas: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), radiofrequency (RF) coil design, ultra-high field MRI, MRI safety, neuroimaging cancer imaging
Model System: Primary cells

Estuardo Robles, Biological Sciences, College of Science
Research Areas: Neuroscience, laser microscopy, visual system, genetics, autism spectrum disorders
Model System: Zebrafish

Chris Rochet, Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharamcology, College of Pharmacy
Research Areas: Neurodegeneration (e.g., Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease), protein aggregation (e.g., alpha-synuclein, tau), cell clearance mechanisms (proteasome, autophagy), mitochondrial dysfunction, neuroprotection neurotoxicology, neuronal circuit dysfunction, neuroengineering, biomarker analysis
Model Systems: Immortalized cells, primary cells, mice, rats

Catherine Searle, Biological Sciences, College of Science
Research Areas: Disease ecology, community ecology, host-parasite interactions, freshwater biology, amphibians, zooplankton
Model System: Frogs

Maria Sepúlveda, Forestry and Natural Resources, College of Agriculture
Research Areas: Environmental toxicology, aquatic health, contaminants
Model Systems: Primary cells, frogs, zebrafish

Riyi ShiNeuroscience, Director of the Center for Paralysis Research, College of Basic Medical Sciences
Research Areas: Mechanisms of central nervous system trauma and diseases
Model System: 

Preeti Sivasankar, Speech, Language and Hearing Science, College of Health and Human Sciences
Research Areas: Translational research in laryngeal physiology, laryngeal health and disease
Model Systems: Rats, rabbits

Robert Stahelin, Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, College of Pharmacy
Research Areas: Virus assembly, Ebola virus, SARS-CoV-2, lipid membranes, lipid signaling, lipid protein interactions, COVID biophysics
Model Systems: Immortalized cells, primary cells

Daniel Suter, Biological Sciences, College of Science
Research Areas: Nervous system development, axonal growth, regeneration growth cone, live cell imaging, reactive oxygen species, cellular mechanics, Aplysia
Model Systems: Primary cells, zebrafish

Shankar Thangamani, Microbiology, College of Veterinary Medicine
Research Areas:  Gut and skin microbiology, microbiome, metabolites, fungal and bacterial pathogens, novel antimicrobial drugs
Model Systems: Human and mouse cell lines, primary cells, mouse models

Vikki Weake, Biochemistry, College of Agriculture
Research Areas: Chromatin, eye, aging, Drosophila, gene expression

Michael WendtMedicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, College of Pharmacy
Research Areas: Cancer, metastasis, kinase signaling, pharmacology, imaging
Model Systems: Immortalized cells, primary cells, mice

Yang YangMedicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, College of Pharmacy
Research Areas: Autism, epilepsy, pain, brain, ion channel, electrophysiology
Model Systems: Immortalized cells, primary cells, stem cells iPSCs, mice

GuangJun Zhang, Comparative Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine
Research Areas: Cancer driver genes, vertebrate development patterning, ion channel and bioelectricity, cancer and developmental genetics; gliogenesis and schwannnoma, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors
Model Systems: Immortalized cells, zebrafish