Faculty & Staff

PVM’s Dr. Yava Jones-Hall Completes AAVMC Leadership Academy

April 24, 2018

Associate Professor of Veterinary Pathology Yava Jones-Hall, a faculty member in Purdue Veterinary Medicine’s Department of Comparative Pathobiology, has completed the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges’ (AAVMC) Leadership Academy. Dr. Jones-Hall was recognized with the other AAVMC Leadership Academy graduates at the conclusion of the program, which coincided with the start of the 2018 AAVMC Annual Meeting in Washington March 2.

Police in LaPorte County Receive K9 Narcan Administration Training from PVM ECC Team

April 20, 2018

The LaPorte County Sheriff’s Department completed K9 Narcan training thanks to Dr. Paula Johnson, Purdue Veterinary Medicine clinical assistant professor of small animal emergency and critical care, and fellow members of the Purdue University Veterinary Teaching Hospital Emergency and Critical Care (ECC) Team. The training for first responders in northern Indiana covered symptoms of opioid exposure and basic life saving techniques, including the administration of naloxone, commonly known by the name Narcan, to keep police dogs alive when they are exposed to deadly narcotics.

PVM Students Explore Ancient Artifacts Related to the Human-Animal Bond

April 20, 2018

“Early Origins of Veterinary Medicine” is the title of a new Purdue Veterinary Medicine course, VM 86000, and students in the class had an exceptional opportunity earlier this month to come face to face with ancient artifacts they had studied in the course. The instructor, Professor of Medical Illustration David Williams, took several third-year students enrolled in the class on a field trip to the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago.

Retirement Reception Honors Pam White

April 20, 2018

Congratulations are in order for Purdue Veterinary Medicine Media and Instructional Technology Specialist Pam White, who is retiring at the end of April. A reception in her honor was held Monday, April 16, in the Continuum Café.

PVM Professor Appointed to Working Group Helping with Purdue’s Sesquicentennial Plans

April 13, 2018

Purdue Veterinary Medicine Distinguished Professor of Comparative Pathobiology Tim Ratliff is among 16 faculty members appointed by President Mitch Daniels to a faculty working group charged with helping identify themes for the Ideas Festival, which will be the centerpiece of Purdue’s 150th anniversary celebration during 2018-19.

Spring Extravaganza Spotlights PVM International Programs

April 6, 2018

Purdue Veterinary Medicine’s Office of Global Engagement (formerly the Office of International Programs), the International Veterinary Student Association (IVSA) Purdue, and the Purdue Center for Intercultural Learning, Mentorship, Assessment, and Research (CILMAR) hosted the annual Spring Extravaganza last Friday, March 30 at the MatchBOX Coworking Studio in Downtown Lafayette.

New Staff Member Joins PVM Student Services Team

April 6, 2018

Suzanne Kennedy joined the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine Student Services Center as a secretary Monday, March 26.

In Memory – Dr. Charles David Heinze

April 6, 2018

Former Purdue Veterinary Medicine faculty member and long-time area equine veterinarian Charles “Chuck” D. Heinze passed away March 25 in Erie, Pa. He was 92.

Purdue VTH ECC Team Provides Pet CPR Training to Volunteer Firemen

March 30, 2018

The Wabash Township Fire Department in West Lafayette completed pet CPR training thanks to Dr. Paula Johnson, Purdue Veterinary Medicine clinical assistant professor of small animal emergency and critical care, and fellow members of the Purdue University Veterinary Teaching Hospital Emergency and Critical Care (ECC) Team. The training for first responders covered CPR and basic life support techniques, including performing chest compressions and the administration of oxygen, as well as other techniques related to saving the lives of pets rescued from a fire.

BMS Faculty Member among Finalists for Bindley Bioscience Center Director

March 30, 2018

Dr. Sophie Lelièvre, professor of cancer pharmacology in Purdue Veterinary Medicine’s Department of Basic Medical Sciences, is among three finalists for the position of director of the Bindley Bioscience Center at Discovery Park. The finalists were announced by the search committee yesterday (March 29). All three will participate in two-day interviews on campus next month.