August 24, 2018
Purdue Veterinary Medicine faculty and staff enjoyed a “Far Out” experience during a special appreciation event Thursday, August 16.
August 24, 2018
Second-year veterinary nursing students gathered Monday night (August 20) at the seventh annual Veterinary Nursing Stethoscope Dinner, which marks the start of the clinical phase of their education.
August 24, 2018
Gearing up for the Purdue University United Way Campaign, United Way committee members Barbara Cochran, Julie Lewellen, Jessica Mabbitt, Andrea Waibel, and Brittany Vale, organized a cornhole tournament as part of the Faculty Staff Appreciation Event Thursday, August 16.
August 24, 2018
Jennifer Ashley, RVT joined the Department of Veterinary Administration on August 6 as the Veterinary Skills and Competencies Manager. She has been a Purdue Veterinary Medicine staff member since 2006, most recently serving as a veterinary technologist senior instructor.
August 15, 2018
Over the course of two weeks in June, Purdue Veterinary Medicine hosted 100 campers to give them a first-hand look into the world of veterinary medicine. Unique in Indiana due to its week-long immersive, in-residence format, Boiler Vet Camp (BVC) provides participants with a preview of the roles of veterinary healthcare professionals through the contributions of a strong, broad team of faculty and staff with diverse representation, and dedicated 2nd and 3rd year DVM student camp counselors.
August 15, 2018
African Swine Fever (ASF) is a disease of swine with many outbreaks recorded across Eastern Europe over the last decade. Though it is not yet in the United States, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Foreign Agriculture Service (FAS) has awarded a generous grant to a team of Purdue Veterinary Medicine faculty members.
August 15, 2018
The Royal Veterinary College of the University of London recognized Dean Willie Reed for his leadership contributions to diversity and inclusion in the veterinary profession by awarding him the degree of DVetMed honoris causa at summer commencement exercises.
August 15, 2018
Learning and networking opportunities for the entire veterinary team make the 2018 Purdue Veterinary Conference the place to be in September! Registration is still available for the 2018 conference, which takes place September 18-22 on Purdue’s West Lafayette campus. Attendees can earn up to 26 continuing education (CE) credits during the conference.
August 15, 2018
Purdue Veterinary Medicine faculty participating in the Veterinary Scholars Summer Research Program (SRP) are “paying it forward” by giving today’s veterinary students career-influencing opportunities like they had when they were in veterinary school.
August 15, 2018
Purdue Veterinary Medicine hosted two delegations of veterinary and veterinary technology students from China and Japan for a two-week exchange visit that concluded with a farewell luncheon and ceremony last Friday, August 3. As part of a reciprocal exchange agreement made through the PVM Office of Global Engagement, a total of 11 students and two faculty members observed various clinical rotations and participated in a variety of events and activities.