November 8, 2024
With the start of the new work week on Monday, November 4, Dr. Bret Marsh began serving as the new leader for the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine. His appointment as Dean and Veterinary Hospital CEO was announced October 24, on the eve of his retirement as Indiana State Veterinarian and head of the Indiana State Board of Animal Health, which concluded a career in public service that spanned 40 years. With just a weekend break between roles, Dr. Marsh wasted no time assuming his new responsibilities Monday morning, and today shares an introductory message with members of the PVM Community.
November 8, 2024
Members of the Purdue Veterinary Medicine community had the opportunity last week to congratulate and say goodbye to a dedicated and much appreciated alumnus as he prepared to take on an exciting new role. Dr. Chad Brown (PU DVM 2001) concluded his role as director of the Purdue Veterinary Nursing Programs Friday, November 1, and transitioned to an exciting new career opportunity as executive director of the Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center at the Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine.
November 8, 2024
This fall marked the start of a new chapter in the life of Purdue alumnus and staff member John Fisher who joined the College of Veterinary Medicine’s Office of Admissions and Recruitment as the Admissions Process Manager. In his new role, John will facilitate the DVM admissions process for the admissions committee while also recruiting for the DVM and Veterinary Nursing programs.
November 1, 2024
The Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine’s ongoing efforts to emphasize and provide opportunities for Purdue Veterinary Medicine students to study abroad as part of their veterinary education are bearing fruit, and those results were on display recently at the College of Veterinary Medicine’s Global Engagement Fair. Held in the Veterinary Medical Library in Lynn Hall October 18, the evening reception and program highlighted expanding global engagement opportunities and increasing levels of participation in study abroad options available to both DVM and veterinary nursing students.
October 25, 2024
Today we share our appreciation for Dr. Jessica Christensen who is a lecturer in the veterinary nursing program.
October 25, 2024
Purdue University Provost Patrick Wolfe announced yesterday (Thursday, October 24) that Dr. Bret Marsh, Indiana state veterinarian and the state’s top-ranking animal health leader, will join Purdue to serve as its next dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Purdue University Veterinary Hospital CEO.
October 25, 2024
Congratulations are in order for a student in the Purdue Veterinary Nursing Distance Learning Program who is the 2024 recipient of the American Animal Hospital Association’s (AAHA) Veterinary Technician of the Year Award. Su Via Chong works at the Pet First Veterinary Centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia!
October 18, 2024
Recognition and appreciation were emphasized this week in Lynn Hall as the College of Veterinary Medicine celebrated Veterinary Nursing Week (known nationally as Veterinary Technician Week). The college hosted daily events to show appreciation for the important role that veterinary nurses play as vital members of the veterinary team. Across the college, people were encouraged to take time this week to say thank you to PVM’s veterinary nurses, whether in clinics, labs, or the classroom, and to reflect on their significant skills and tireless efforts that are so important in providing excellent, compassionate veterinary care for animals.
October 18, 2024
Years of growing resistance to antibiotics have sparked an urgent global health crisis, giving rise to challenging biological threats and the emergence of more dangerous viral, fungal and bacterial strains, commonly called superbugs. Compounding the threat is the difficulty in a quick diagnosis, complicating how to effectively treat these illnesses. Purdue postdoctoral researcher Sharath Iyengar in the College of Veterinary Medicine’s Department of Basic Medical Sciences spends hours in the G221 laboratory at Lynn Hall, seeking answers to this health challenge.
October 18, 2024
Nearly 30 students were recognized this week at the start of the Current Issues in Veterinary Medicine class held on Tuesday, October 15 for their achievement in earning the Certificate for Diversity and Inclusion in Veterinary Medicine. The certificate is offered through an online program that involves a combination of learning modules, activity assignments, a volunteer community service assignment, and a capstone paper.