White Coat Ceremony Signals Approach of Clinical Year for Third-year Veterinary Students

April 21, 2023

A celebratory mood followed the conclusion of the Purdue Veterinary Medicine Open House Saturday, April 15, as third-year veterinary students changed clothes and switched gears from Open House volunteers to honorees at the annual White Coat Ceremony, which started at 5:00 p.m. Held at the Purdue Memorial Union North Ballroom, the annual ceremony signals the transition from the classroom to the clinics as the students prepare for the start of their clinical year of the four-year DVM program.

Purdue Veterinary Student Erin Will Receives National Dairy Focused Scholarship

February 24, 2023

The National Dairy Herd Information Association (DHIA) has announced the four recipients of this year’s DHIA Veterinary Student Scholarships, and one of them is Erin Will, of the Purdue DVM Class of 2023.

Kitasato Students Bring International Exchange Vibe to Purdue Veterinary Medicine

December 12, 2022

The presence of seven veterinary students from the Kitasato University School of Veterinary Medicine in Japan enriched the learning environment in Lynn Hall in August, as they participated in a longstanding program involving a collaboration between Kitasato and the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine.

Purdue Veterinary Medicine and Butterfly Network Collaborate to Advance Ultrasound Education

December 12, 2022

A new generation of ultrasound capability has arrived at the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine to enhance the education of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Nursing students. The college has begun integrating the use of Butterfly iQ+ Vet — the world’s only single probe, whole-body, multi-species imaging system — into the first year of the DVM program as well as the Veterinary Nursing (VN) program.

Spooky Sights Mark Halloween in Lynn Hall

November 4, 2022

Halloween made for an especially festive Monday in Lynn Hall this week, with a variety of costumed characters and Halloween happenings marking the occasion at the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine.

International Speakers and Beautiful Birds Draw Attention at Purdue Veterinary Student-Led Conference

October 28, 2022

Colorful birds and fascinating talks were the order of the day last weekend at the two-day Medicine of Mammalian and Avian Species (MMAS) Symposium hosted at Lynn Hall by students in the Exotic Animal Club. The program provided attendees with lectures covering basic medicine, handling, nutrition, intubation, anesthesia and many other topics for avian and small mammals.

Purdue Veterinary Alumnus, Dr. Joe Klopfenstein, Honored as Mentor of the Year at AABP Conference

October 28, 2022

A major award for bovine practitioners was bestowed on Purdue Veterinary Medicine graduate Joe Klopfenstein (PU DVM ’83) during the 2022 American Association of Bovine Practitioners Annual Conference. Dr. Klopfenstein received the Merck Animal Health Mentor of the Year Award, which recognizes an individual who goes above and beyond in educating, supporting and advancing the careers of future bovine veterinarians.

New Stethoscopes Signal Start of Lynn Hall Learning Experience for DVM and Veterinary Nursing Students

September 16, 2022

A longtime tradition marking the start of the new academic year for the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine continued this year when the college held the annual Stethoscope Event August 30 in the Purdue Memorial Union North Ballroom.

New Staff Member Joins PVM Office of Academic Affairs

September 16, 2022

The Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine welcomes Austin Jennings as the new assistant director of admissions and recruitment in the Office of Academic Affairs.

Top PVM Alumni and Faculty Awards to be Presented at Purdue Veterinary Conference

September 16, 2022

The Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine’s top teaching award and Distinguished Alumnus Award will be presented at the Alumni and Friends Celebration next week during the Purdue Veterinary Conference in the Purdue Memorial Union.