With more than 100 sessions on the schedule, the 2023 Purdue Veterinary Conference will provide one-stop-shopping for the continuing education needs of veterinary professionals when it is held in September. Registration is now open for the five-day program, scheduled September 19-23 on Purdue University’s West Lafayette, Indiana campus.
The conference comes at a vital time for the veterinary medical profession in Indiana, since veterinary professionals’ license renewals are due this fall. With the wide range of continuing education topics and sessions, the conference will offer up to 23 Continuing Education credits and feature an expanded Exhibit Hall.
Another special aspect of the conference will be the kick-off event Tuesday, September 19, when renown human-animal bond expert, Dr. Alan Beck, gives the Elanco Human-Animal Bond Lecture on the occasion of his retirement as the Dorothy N. McAllister Professor of Animal Ecology and director of the Center for the Human-Animal Bond. The presentation will begin at 5:00 p.m. at the Fowler Auditorium in Stewart Center. The talk is free and open to the public.
By Wednesday, September 20, the conference will be in full swing, with multiple tracks available for veterinarians and veterinary nurses. The number of different tracks has been expanded this year to address the varied needs of veterinarians and veterinary nurses. Tracks will include Small Animal, Farm Animal-Ruminant, Farm Animal-Swine, APHIS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service), Diagnostic Medicine, Equine, Exotics, Emergency Preparedness, Shelter Medicine and Veterinary Nursing (though veterinary nurses are able to attend sessions in any of the tracks).
The conference week will conclude with a much loved tradition – the annual Dr. Skip Jackson Dog Jog Saturday, September 23, when participants will be able to run or walk with canine companions on a course that weaves around Purdue landmarks on the southern part of campus, beginning and ending at the Continuum Sculpture in front of Lynn Hall.
Learn more about the 2023 Veterinary Conference and Register Today.