Month: June 2021

PVM Researcher Focuses on Data to Discover Better Cancer Diagnostics and Therapies

June 24, 2021

The next generation of treatments for cancer may be found, not by scientists peering through microscopes, but by computer scientists crunching numbers. Thanks to unprecedented amounts of data, Purdue University researchers across multiple disciplines, including comparative pathobiology, are using innovative data science techniques to better understand the genetics and cellular biology of cancer cells and tumors allowing them to pioneer new diagnostic tools, generate novel therapeutic treatments, and significantly advance the fight against cancer. Among the researchers involved in this work is Dr. Nadia Lanman, who holds an appointment as research assistant professor in the College of Veterinary Medicine’s Department of Comparative Pathobiology.

Skillful Surgery… and Other Hands-on Lessons

June 24, 2021

Take a look at how the College of Veterinary Medicine’s faculty and staff delivered hands-on clinical education to the next generation of veterinarians and veterinary nurses in the midst of a pandemic.

Amazing Donors Respond During Pandemic with Record Giving to Purdue Veterinary Medicine

June 24, 2021

Persistently pursuing the next giant leap – it’s what the Purdue Boilermaker family does, whether in the midst of normal times or during a pandemic. This fiscal year, donors to the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine stepped forward in unprecedented ways to support the college’s mission of learning, discovery and engagement.

Virtual Learning Necessitated by Pandemic Provides Access to Lifelong Learning

June 24, 2021

Even though in person continuing education conferences and symposia went by the wayside during the past year due to the pandemic, Purdue Veterinary Medicine’s Office of Lifelong Learning found itself plenty busy serving sizeable virtual crowds.

Nearly 200,000 COVID Tests and Counting!

June 24, 2021

The Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory stands in the gap to protect Purdue during the COVID-19 pandemic by processing tens of thousands of human COVID-19 samples using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, considered the gold standard for diagnosing the illness.

New Name Graces New Hospital Complex as Construction Enters Home Stretch

June 24, 2021

“What’s in a name?’ So asks the famous line from Shakespeare. For the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, the answer is a very generous gift that led to naming the new Purdue University Veterinary Hospital facilities the David and Bonnie Brunner Purdue Veterinary Medical Hospital Complex. Construction of the complex continues with the goal of completing the facilities by the end of this year.

Chemotherapy Usually Intended for Dogs is Treating a Red Fox’s Lymphoma

June 24, 2021

The Purdue University Veterinary Hospital works with many patients across species. None are more unusual perhaps than Joker, a nine-year-old silver-phased red fox undergoing treatment for lymphoma. Joker resides at Wolf Park, a nonprofit conservation facility located in nearby Battle Ground, Ind.

Research Day Resumes Virtually for Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine

June 24, 2021

A longstanding tradition that annually highlights research by graduate students, interns, residents, veterinary students, and faculty returned to the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine in April, albeit in a virtual format, after a one year absence due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Normally held as an in-person program, the PVM Research Day features a day-long focus on basic science and clinical/applied research in veterinary and comparative medicine.

Distance Learning Program Ensures It’s Never Too Late to Open the Door to Veterinary Nursing

June 24, 2021

One of the cornerstones of the Veterinary Nursing Distance Learning Program in the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine is flexibility that keeps the door open to a veterinary nursing career for non-traditional students. Perhaps no one can testify to that better than Karen “Coco” Schefmeyer. When the 63-year-old enrolled in the distance learning program, she brought a wealth of real world experience to the virtual classroom, and she doesn’t miss a beat as she works toward earning her associate’s degree in veterinary nursing.

Donor Spotlight: Ms. Joy Matson

June 24, 2021

Ever since she was a little girl, Joy Matson wanted to be a veterinarian and have a horse of her own. She started working as early as 2nd grade to save money for college and a horse, delivering newspapers as a child and then working at a department store during the evenings when she was in high school.