Equine Patient Recruitment

As of August, 2022

If you would like additional information regarding a clinical trial, please contact us at:

Email: VeterinaryClinicalTrials@purdue.edu
Phone: (765) 496-9715

If you believe your horse is eligible for a specific study, we recommend that you contact your veterinarian and request a referral. However, a referral may not be required to participate in some clinical trials.

To make an appointment at the Purdue University Large Animal Hospital please call (765) 494-8548.


Aqueous shunts as a Treatment for Glaucoma in Horses

  • Description: A study to determine if equine eyes affected with glaucoma that have not responded to standard therapy (topical medications and/or laser therapy) or that have become blind because of glaucoma can be controlled by placing an aqueous shunt.
  • Eligibility: Horses must currently have glaucoma that has not been controlled with standard therapy or in which the eye is already blind because of glaucoma and removal of the eye is recommended (enucleation).
  • Financial Incentives: The aqueous shunt will be placed at no cost to you. Recheck examinations are required.
  • Primary Investigator: Dr. Wendy Townsend

For more information or to contact us

    Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, 625 Harrison Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907, 765-494-7607

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