Message from Basic Medical Sciences Department Head

Susan M. Mendrysa, Ph.D.
Interim Head of Department
Basic Medical Sciences
Welcome to the Department of Basic Medical Sciences (BMS). We are one of the three departments in the College of Veterinary Medicine at Purdue University. As an integral part of a land-grant institution, the Department embraces the Purdue University missions of learning, discovery, and engagement.
The mission of the Department is to serve the College of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue University, the citizens of Indiana, the nation, and the global community through excellence in teaching foundational science, discovery in areas that have global significance, and far-reaching engagement activities that deliver globally the knowledge generated by the Department.
BMS enjoys a highly interdisciplinary and diverse faculty which provides exceptional opportunities for student learning in classroom and research laboratory settings. We invite you to explore our website and find out more about our Department.