Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) - BOAH Captive Cervid

Section: Histology, Pathology

Fee: Obex/LN: $37.00 Heads: $62.00 (includes. acc. fee)

Turnaround Time: 10 –15 business days

Days Test Started: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Species: Ruminant




Minimum Amount

Obex + Retropharyngeal Lymph Node

Leak-proof Container

Entire Tissue

Collection Information

Appropriate samples must be submitted in 10% neutral buffered formalin. Using a 180 ml formalin jar is preferred. Please ensure the samples collected are the correct tissues. All containers must be labeled with the owner name and animal identification number. Sample collection information from the Indiana State Board of Animal Health can be found on their CWD Sample Submission Guidelines page. The BOAH CWD Submission Form should be used when submitting CWD samples from all captive cervids.

Samples should be collected as soon as possible. Samples not collected immediately or from tissues that have been frozen are less likely to be of diagnostic value.

When collecting the official identification tag with tissue sample, only a small amount of ear tissue is needed. Trim the ear tissue around the ear tag to leave roughly a 1 inch diameter piece of ear tissue connected to the official ear tag. The fresh tissue and official ear tag must NOT be placed in formalin. Package these separately from the formalin jar in a leak-proof bag. Ensure tissues are appropriately labeled to identify the formalin tissue jar with which they correspond.

Shipping Information

Ship overnight with ice packs.

Enclose all paperwork and payment in a sealed, waterproof bag to prevent damage from any leaks.

Double bag all jars or fresh tissues in a sealed, leak-proof plastic bag.

Pack boxes securely with bulk material, including absorptive material to absorb any fluid that may leak.

HEADS: Heads must be double bagged and include absorptive material to soak up any blood leaking during transit. Heads MUST BE SHIPPED OVERNIGHT MONDAY – THURSDAY. Do NOT ship on Friday, Weekends, or Holidays. Heads need to be packed inside an insulated shipper (Styrofoam box with outer cardboard box) with plenty of icepacks to keep the head chilled while it is being shipped.

Additional Information
All submissions must include payment in the form of a check made payable to Purdue University. Submissions without payment or with an incorrect amount will be held, unprocessed until payment has been received.

If submitting the entire head of a cervid for CWD sample collection and submission at ADDL, the fee will be $62.00 including the accession fee.

Information about submitting an entire animal for necropsy and CWD testing can be found on the Necropsy Livestock/Poultry page. Below is a summary of the cost:
CERVIDS: Cervids greater than one (1) year of age will be tested for CWD when necropsied. The necropsy charge for cervids over one year of age is $167.00. This charge includes the accession fee, necropsy, and CWD testing.

Additional cervid and CWD information from BOAH can be found here.

BOAH has produced a video that shows the methods and techniques for collecting CWD samples.

The BOAH CWD Submission Form should be used when submitting CWD samples from all captive cervids.

Special procedures may necessitate additional time.

Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, 625 Harrison Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907, 765-494-7607

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