Policies & Fees

Shipping/Receiving Policy


  • The ADDL receives samples from 8:00am-5:00pm Monday through Friday. 
  • Notifications regarding altered hours due to holidays or inclement weather will be communicated via Constant Contact and the website.  Click here to sign up.
  • Carcasses may be dropped off during non-business hours under certain circumstances by calling 765-494-7440 and following the recorded instructions.


  • Shipping to the West Lafayette ADDL, please address packages to:


406 S. University Street

West Lafayette, IN 47907

  • Shipping to the Heeke ADDL, please address packages to:

Heeke ADDL

11367 E. Purdue Farm Road

Dubois, IN 47527

  • For details and to request return shipping labels, refer to the Supply Order Form or contact the ADDL at 765-494-7440.


Client Policy

  • The ADDL strongly suggest working with your veterinarian to submit samples.  Your veterinarian is uniquely qualified to determine the best samples and tests for reaching a diagnosis and to interpret the significance of laboratory findings in light of clinical presentation and conditions that may exist on your premises or in your area.
  • Samples must be submitted with a completed submission form.  Upon submission of the sample and form, the following is acknowledged: 
    • The owner of the animal or any agent acting with the express authority of the owner agrees that the specimens have been submitted to ADDL and will be handled by ADDL in accordance with ADDL testing procedures, policies, and fees.  This handling will include all specified testing and safe disposal of the animal's remains.  Specimens and derived isolates become the property of the Indiana ADDL and may be used for teaching or research purposes.  The owner expressly consents to such use.  In addition to the testing specified above, additional testing may be done:  1) to meet state or federal surveillance programs, 2) by order of state or federal animal health officials, or 3) when a Foreign Animal Disease is suspected.  This form only lists frequently requested tests.  For the complete list of tests, consult the ADDL Fee Schedule.
  • Euthanasia: the ADDL may be able to receive and provide euthanasia for small pigs, sheep, goats, and calves submitted for necropsy during normal business hours.  Contact the ADDL to make arrangements prior to your departure for ADDL.  Live animals will not be accepted after hours.  The ADDL will not accept live animals from other species at any hour.


  • The ADDL Fee Schedule contains the most current list of available tests and associated fees.
  • Payment is expected at the time the invoice is received.
    • Owner-submitted necropsy cases are required to pay a deposit at the time of submission.  The sum of the deposit will be the accessioning fee, necropsy fee, and the elected remains disposition.  Payment may be made by cash, check, or credit card.  The necropsy will not start until the required deposit is received.  Fees associated with any returned checks will be added to the case.  Additional charges related to the case will be billed to the client upon completion.
  • When a test is not available at the ADDL and samples must be sent to another laboratory per the submitter's request:
    • The test will be charged to the case at the rate of the sub-contracted laboratory or billed directly from the laboratory performing the test.
    • Postage costs for the shipment of samples will be charged to the case.
  • Rush or after-hours fees may apply.  Contact the ADDL with any questions.
ADDL Fee Schedule

Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, 625 Harrison Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907, 765-494-7607

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