Canine Genetics Lab

The Canine Genetics Lab at Purdue University is overseen by Dr. Kari Ekenstedt. To learn more about Dr. Ekenstedt’s research and the development of canine genetic tests, please visit the Canine Genetics Lab website.


Please follow these steps when submitting samples for genetic testing:

  1. Collect the appropriate SAMPLE: cheek swab, blood, semen, or tissue.
  2. Make PAYMENT through the Payment Portal to obtain an Order Number and receipt.
    1. Pricing discounts are based on the number of orders for each test.
    2. To order a discounted test for 4+ dogs, samples from all dogs must be included in the same package - NO EXCEPTIONS.
    3. PLEASE INCLUDE ALL SAMPLES FROM EACH ORDER IN THE SAME SHIPMENT TO THE LAB.  Failure to do so will result in samples being held and no testing occurring until all samples from an order have been received.
    4. Payment must be made before any testing will begin.
    5. If there are questions, please contact the ADDL at +1-765-494-7440 or and include your order number from the receipt.
    6. Print a copy to include in the package and print/save a copy for your records.
  3. Complete the SUBMISSION FORMS for each dog.
    1. Please type submission forms.  If writing by hand, please make sure text is legible.
    2. Print a copy to include in the package and print/save a copy for your records.
  4. Pack and SHIP the samples and paperwork. 
    1. Please include all samples from one or more dogs, please submit a separate order for those dogs once the samples are ready to be shipped.
    2. The package must include:
      1. All samples from the order.
      2. A printed copy of the order/receipt.
      3. A printed copy of all submission forms.
      4. USDA Importation Documents if shipping from outside the United States.
      5. Ship the package to:
        1. ADDL - Canine Genetic Tests
        2. 406 S. University Street
        3. West Lafayette, IN 47907
      6. Please keep a copy of the tracking number and information.  Packages going through US Customs can take 3 - 21 days.
  5. The RESULTS will be emailed to you within two weeks (14 days) of the samples arriving at the ADDL.
    1. If you have not received your results, please check with the shipping service first to determine if the package has been delivered.
    2. If the package has been delivered to the ADDL and the two weeks has past, please contact the lab and have your order number and shipment tracking information included in the email or available for the phone call.
    3. The ADDL does not have the capacity to contact submitters to send notifications that samples have arrived at the laboratory.

Client Communications

If you did not receive the communications below by email and would like to receive future communications, please sign up for our email updates, (enter your name, email address and select Canine Genetics).

September 6, 2023, Canine Genetic Testing Now Available
October 6, 2023, Canine Genetic Testing Temporarily Halted.
November 3, 2023, Canine Genetic Testing Resumes.
November 9, 2023, Canine Genetic Testing Resampling Guidance 
December 8, 2023, Canine Genetic Testing Shipping and Holiday Delay(submitters asked to save tracking number information).

Current Tests Available

Glycogen Storage Disease (Basset Hound) 

Neuroaxonal Dystrophy (Miniature American Shepherd) 

Non-HSF4 Cataracts (Miniature American Shepherd) 


Individual Tests:
1-3 Dogs: $70.00 for each dog
4 or more: $63.00 for each dog
Combo of Two Tests:
1-3 Dogs: $110.00 for each dog
4 or more: $95.00 for each dog

Sample Submission

Samples must be accompanied by a completed submission form and a copy of the receipt. Once the Individual Dog  or Litter (PDF) submission form(s) has been completed, please go to the ADDL Genetic Testing Payment website to submit payment PRIOR TO SHIPPING ANY SAMPLES.  You will need to print a copy of the receipt to include in the shipment.

Sample Submission Protocols

Cheek Swab (PDF)
Blood (PDF)
Semen (PDF)
Dew Claw and Tail (PDF)


Please include all samples for a given order IN THE SAME SHIPMENT. If you are unable to submit a sample from one or more dogs, please submit a separate order for those dogs once the samples are ready to be shipped.

Ship to arrive within 2-7 days of collection (US Postal Service, UPS, FedEx; For Canada, Purolator is recommended)
Please make sure the specimens are clearly labeled with the dog's name or coat/collar color.
Please put all ADDL submission forms and receipt copies in a plastic bag and include them in the package.

Testing will not be started until proof of payment is confirmed.
For shipments originating outside the US, include the USDA Importation Documents (PDF).
Send package with samples and ALL FORMS to:
ADDL - Canine Genetic Tests
406 S. University Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907


Please contact the ADDL with any questions by calling 765-494-7440 or email


Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, 625 Harrison Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907, 765-494-7607

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