Dr. Jim Weisman, a Purdue Veterinary Medicine alumnus and the college’s assistant dean for clinical education, is assuming a new national leadership role in the veterinary medical profession with his election to the American Veterinary Medical Association’s (AVMA) Board of Directors. He ran unopposed for the District VI director seat, representing Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin, and was declared elected earlier this spring.
A native of Evansville, Indiana, Dr. Weisman earned his Purdue DVM degree in 1997 and went back to his hometown to enter private practice after graduation. Eleven years later he returned to Purdue where he accepted a position as an administrator and member of the College of Veterinary Medicine faculty. Today, in addition to his roles as assistant dean for clinical education and clinical associate professor, he continues to practice medicine in the Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care Service of the Purdue University Veterinary Hospital.
Dr. Weisman also is active in his community. He has served as the president of his home county’s 4-H Council, 4-H Center Board, and County Fair Association. He also served on the Indiana State Fair Board as the first veterinarian to do so. During his time on the board, he established animal wellness and care programming, which is now used across the country at many state fairs and large animal exhibitions. In addition, he led efforts to implement an animal drug testing program to elevate the level of ethical livestock exhibition.
Dr. Weisman’s involvement in organized veterinary medicine began in veterinary school when he served as SAVMA (Student AVMA) delegate and then was elected as the national SAVMA treasurer. Following graduation, he joined committees within the Indiana Veterinary Medical Association (IVMA) and later served on the IVMA Board of Directors while also chairing multiple committees, including many years as the chair of the IVMA Annual Meeting Planning Committee. He also rose through the officer ranks and served as one of the youngest IVMA presidents. He is currently the Indiana delegate to the AVMA’s House of Delegates.
“I appreciate that we are a broad and far-reaching profession comprised of many varied career paths; however, each of these paths are tethered by our common veterinary medical degree and ethical obligation to advance animal and human health,” Dr. Weisman said. “The AVMA membership asks its volunteer leaders to be representative of the many faces of our profession. I look forward to serving as a leader who considers these varied views and makes decisions that are best suited for our profession.”
Dr. Weisman will begin a six-year term on the AVMA Board of Directors this July during the 2023 AVMA Convention.