
Week of Special Events Celebrates Contributions of PVM’s Veterinary Nurses

October 18, 2024

Recognition and appreciation were emphasized this week in Lynn Hall as the College of Veterinary Medicine celebrated Veterinary Nursing Week (known nationally as Veterinary Technician Week).  The college hosted daily events to show appreciation for the important role that veterinary nurses play as vital members of the veterinary team.  Across the college, people were encouraged to take time this week to say thank you to PVM’s veterinary nurses, whether in clinics, labs, or the classroom, and to reflect on their significant skills and tireless efforts that are so important in providing excellent, compassionate veterinary care for animals.

Building on Scholarly Excellence, Veterinary Medicine Postdoc Researcher Pursues Solutions to Global Crisis in Countering Antibiotic Resistance, Superbugs

October 18, 2024

Years of growing resistance to antibiotics have sparked an urgent global health crisis, giving rise to challenging biological threats and the emergence of more dangerous viral, fungal and bacterial strains, commonly called superbugs. Compounding the threat is the difficulty in a quick diagnosis, complicating how to effectively treat these illnesses. Purdue postdoctoral researcher Sharath Iyengar in the College of Veterinary Medicine’s Department of Basic Medical Sciences spends hours in the G221 laboratory at Lynn Hall, seeking answers to this health challenge.

Students Honored for Completing Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program

October 18, 2024

Nearly 30 students were recognized this week at the start of the Current Issues in Veterinary Medicine class held on Tuesday, October 15 for their achievement in earning the Certificate for Diversity and Inclusion in Veterinary Medicine.  The certificate is offered through an online program that involves a combination of learning modules, activity assignments, a volunteer community service assignment, and a capstone paper.

“Paws Up” – brought to you by the PVM Wellness Committee

October 11, 2024

Today we are highlighting Sharon Meoli, who is a fourth year DVM student. A faculty member nominated Sharon stating, “Sharon is a non-traditional, second career student. She is married with children; two of whom were delivered in the midst of her DVM coursework. Despite (or perhaps because of) her life experiences, she remains quietly attuned to the needs of others and on many occasions has provided compassion, support and encouragement to those who struggle. I wish we could put one of her in every veterinary practice!”

Annual Purdue Veterinary Conference Brings Together Alumni, Students, Staff and Faculty

September 27, 2024

A festive atmosphere pervaded a week of learning and special events at the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine’s annual conference for veterinarians and veterinary nurses. Held September 17-21 on Purdue University’s West Lafayette campus, the program attracted more than 850 registered participants. Attendees included veterinary professionals, Purdue students, staff and faculty, exhibitors and presenters.

Purdue Veterinary Medicine Becomes Purdue’s First Engaged College!

August 30, 2024

The Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine is participating in the University’s Engaged College Program (ECP), which is a new initiative developed by Purdue’s Office of Engagement to support colleges with the resources to focus on building, sustaining, assessing, bringing awareness to, and rewarding quality community engagement activities. Last Friday, August 23, it was announced that the College of Veterinary Medicine is the FIRST college to complete the Engaged College Program self-assessment and action plan!

Specialty Training Begins for 17 Clinical Residents

August 23, 2024

A new class of clinical residents joined the Veterinary Clinical Sciences and Comparative Pathobiology Departments this summer, embarking on a three year journey into specialty training that represents the next phase of their careers as veterinarians. A total of 17 first-year residents, representing eleven different specialty areas, began their residencies July 15 with an extensive orientation program.

New Purdue Veterinary Nursing Graduates Take Oath During Graduation Celebration

August 9, 2024

Purdue Veterinary Medicine Interim Dean S. Kathleen Salisbury welcomed the college’s newest Veterinary Nursing alumni and their families to the Summer 2024 Veterinary Nursing Graduation Celebration held in Lynn Hall Saturday, August 3. The ceremony included individual recognition of each graduate present and the traditional recitation of the Indiana Veterinary Technician Oath of Ethical Conduct.

Ninety Foot Long Mural Seals Willie Reed’s Art Inspired Legacy as Purdue Veterinary Medicine Dean

July 31, 2024

A stunning, expansive mural celebrating the human-animal bond and the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine’s strengths, traditions and hallmarks now graces the previously plain wall in the hallway connecting Lynn Hall with the new David and Bonnie Brunner Small Animal Hospital. Commissioned last year by then Dean Willie Reed, the mural was dedicated April 26, 2024 during a ceremony attended by faculty, staff, students and friends of the college, including those who actually helped with the painting.

Demystifying the Aging Process – Study Sheds New Light on Age-related Diseases

July 31, 2024

Tantalizing legends of a fountain of youth spurred explorers to navigate the globe for millennia in search of the restorative waters that promised to wind back the hands of time and halt the process of aging. Research conducted in the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine and the Bindley Bioscience Center by Research Associate Professor Uma K. Aryal, PhD, and his research team, reveals the real secret lies not in myth, but in science.