August 15, 2018
Purdue Veterinary Medicine hosted two delegations of veterinary and veterinary technology students from China and Japan for a two-week exchange visit that concluded with a farewell luncheon and ceremony last Friday, August 3. As part of a reciprocal exchange agreement made through the PVM Office of Global Engagement, a total of 11 students and two faculty members observed various clinical rotations and participated in a variety of events and activities.
August 15, 2018
Dr. Audrey Ruple, assistant professor of one health epidemiology, had a goal of creating a learning opportunity for students that would help make the concept of One Health, which they learned about in the classroom, more tangible. This summer was the first time that Purdue veterinary students had the opportunity to participate in her three-week program involving travel to London and South Africa. The six veterinary students were able to see and experience the issues involved in One Health firsthand rather than just learning about it as a theory.
July 20, 2018
In the next few weeks, Purdue Veterinary Medicine’s Office of Global Engagement will have the privilege of hosting students and faculty participating in exchange programs involving three partner universities.
June 22, 2018
Three veterinary students from Thailand are visiting the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine thanks to an international agreement between Purdue Veterinary Medicine and the Chulalongkorn University School of Veterinary Medicine (CU) in Thailand.