A veterinary student from Kitasato University exams a dog in the Purdue University Veterinary Teaching Hospital while visiting in 2016.
In the next few weeks, Purdue Veterinary Medicine’s Office of Global Engagement will have the privilege of hosting students and faculty participating in exchange programs involving three partner universities. The first group to visit Lynn Hall includes eight DVM students, four veterinary technology students, and three professors from Sichuan Agricultural University in China and Rakuno Gakuen University in Japan. They will arrive July 23 and stay until August 3.
The second group will visit PVM August 13 – August 24 from Kitasato University in Japan. The Kitasato delegation will consist of six veterinary students and one faculty member. While the students are here they will focus on doing clinical observations and shadowing veterinarians and veterinary nurses. They will have the opportunity to learn about such areas as small animal community practice, large animal ambulatory services, anesthesiology, ICU & emergency, ophthalmology, diagnostic imaging, internal medicine, behavior, surgery, neurology, physical rehabilitation, oncology, and pathology.
Purdue veterinary students and faculty also have opportunities to visit the partner universities. In late June, Dr. Riyi Shi, professor of basic medical sciences, accompanied Purdue veterinary students during their trip to Sichuan Agricultural University. Students completed clinical rotations throughout the Sichuan Agricultural University Veterinary Hospital, attended lectures by faculty of Sichuan Agricultural University, visited different small and large animal clinics throughout the Sichuan Province, and even had the opportunity to participate in a short-term internship in Panda medicine within a Panda base in Ya’an. Next year, Dr. Tomohito Inoue, continuing lecturer in anesthesiology, will lead a two-week exchange program to Rakuno Gakuen University. Both DVM and veterinary nursing students will have the opportunity to participate in clinical rotations at Rakuno Gakuen’s veterinary hospital.
Make sure to look for our visiting international students this summer and help give them a warm welcome!