July 31, 2024
Lifelong Learning programs that focused on the needs of equine industry professionals and veterinary nurses attracted strong attendance at two programs held during the first part of 2024.
July 12, 2024
This week a team of highly skilled veterinary nurses and assistants working in Small Animal Internal Medicine is being recognized with gratitude by a faculty member.
June 14, 2024
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. S. Kathleen Salisbury, who is also a Purdue 150th Anniversary Professor and professor of small animal surgery, has been appointed interim dean of the college, effective July 1.
June 7, 2024
Purdue University Online conducts an awards program to recognize professional accomplishment and promote creative and effective approaches to learning delivered via digital education media. One of the 2024 award recipients is Courtney Waxman, MS, CVT, RVT, VTS (ECC), Veterinary Nursing Distance Learning Program instructional technologist.
April 5, 2024
Among the oldest online programs offered by Purdue – and currently the one with the largest enrollment – the Veterinary Nursing Distance Learning program, which celebrated its 20th birthday in 2023, is undergoing an impressive rejuvenation. From demand for educated veterinary technicians to a revamped battery of courses, several factors are driving the VNDL program’s growth.
March 29, 2024
The opportunity to learn the latest information and insights on a variety of topics relevant to the work of veterinary nurses attracted about 175 participants to the tenth annual Veterinary Nursing Symposium hosted by the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine.
January 12, 2024
Purdue Veterinary Medicine Dean Willie Reed welcomed the college’s newest Veterinary Nursing Program graduates and their families to the Winter 2023 Veterinary Nursing Graduation Celebration in Lynn 1136 Sunday, December 17. The ceremony followed the university commencement exercises in the Elliott Hall of Music and featured the traditional recitation of the Indiana Veterinary Technician Oath of Ethical Conduct.
December 15, 2023
When Dr. Willie Reed stepped into the Purdue Veterinary Medicine deanship in 2007, he knew the faculty had worked hard on designing and making improvements to the curriculum over the college’s nearly 50-year history to ensure that students were getting the best education possible. Yet, he also had the conviction that more could and needed to be done to better position current veterinary graduates for success.
October 20, 2023
Representatives of the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine took a road trip across the state earlier this month to spotlight the college’s role in addressing the pressing issue of a shortage of veterinary nurses (veterinary technicians). Through a series of evening events in Evansville, Indianapolis, Valparaiso, and Huntington during the first week of October, Dr. Chad Brown, director of Purdue Veterinary Nursing Programs, presented a talk entitled, “Addressing the Indiana Registered Veterinary Technician Shortage Through Distance Learning.”
September 15, 2023
An important Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine tradition kicked-off the new school year for first-year veterinary medicine students in the Class of 2027 as well as veterinary nursing students in the Class of 2026 who are attending classes in Lynn Hall this fall for the first time. The annual Stethoscope Celebration was held September 5 in the Purdue Memorial Union Faculty Lounges. In addition to a full-course meal, the event featured remarks by Dean Willie Reed and the event sponsors, and culminated with the giving of complimentary stethoscopes to the students.