Month: April 2022

PVM Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Programs Showcased in Insight into Diversity Magazine Feature Story

April 29, 2022

Diversity, equity, and inclusion programs at the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine are at the center of attention in a feature article in the May issue of Insight into Diversity magazine, regarded as the nation’s oldest and largest diversity-focused publication and website in higher education.

Dr. Maggie O’Haire Shares Science-based Insights on the Human-Animal Bond at PVM Research Day

April 29, 2022

One of the unique springtime opportunities for the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine is a day set aside to showcase Purdue veterinary medical scholarship through special presentations, including talks by some of the college’s premier researchers. An example at this year’s PVM Research Day on April 12 involved an insightful look at the science behind the human-animal bond by the winner of the 2021 Zoetis Award for Veterinary Research Excellence, Dr. Maggie O’Haire, professor of human-animal interaction in the Department of Comparative Pathobiology.

In Memory: Dr. George Luke (PU DVM ’67)

April 29, 2022

Purdue Veterinary Medicine alumnus and U.S. Army veteran George Luke, who was a member of the College of Veterinary Medicine’s fifth graduating class, passed away April 7. He was 80. 

Senior DVM Student Gains Valuable Equine Experience Abroad

April 29, 2022

One of many senior Purdue DVM students who leaped at the opportunity to study abroad after a year of virtual learning due to the pandemic, Katelyn Rehn was drawn to the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna in Austria by their Traineeship for Artificial Insemination and Embryo Transfer program.

Annual Research Day Showcases PVM Scholarship while Recognizing Important Milestone

April 22, 2022

Faculty, graduate students, residents, and veterinary students all contributed to a special PVM Research Day that marked the 60th Anniversary of Purdue’s Omicron Chapter of the Society of Phi Zeta, which is the honor society of Veterinary Medicine. The chapter annually organizes the event that highlights scientific discovery in the College of Veterinary Medicine.

PVM Students Recognized for Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program Completion

April 22, 2022

Students in the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine received special recognition from Dean Willie Reed on Tuesday, April 5, during the Current Issues in Veterinary Medicine course, for completing the Certificate for Diversity and Inclusion in Veterinary Medicine. They are part of a larger group of DVM and Veterinary Nursing students who signed-up for the program and either already have completed it or will complete by the end of this semester.

Dr. Sulma Mohammed Honored as Purdue Distinguished Woman Scholar

April 22, 2022

The Purdue University Office of the Provost and the Susan Bulkeley Butler Center for Leadership Excellence honored six Purdue alumnae, including Purdue Veterinary Medicine Professor of Cancer Biology Sulma Mohammed, as 2022 Distinguished Women Scholars at a special reception recently. The event on Tuesday, March 29, at the Purdue Memorial Union Anniversary Drawing Room, recognized the women for exceptional leadership and significant contribution to their fields.

Purdue Veterinary Nursing Alumna Working with Sea Turtles Shares Her Career Path with Students

April 22, 2022

It may seem like a long and difficult path to get from Lynn Hall to a job that involves working with sea turtles, but for Purdue Veterinary Nursing alumna Katie D’Addato, RVT (PU AAS 2021), it was a path that she traversed relatively quickly. Katie shared her story virtually as a special guest speaker at a meeting of the Purdue University Veterinary Nursing Student Organization (VNSO) March 28.

Golden Anniversary Classes Celebrate during Purdue Spring Fest Weekend

April 22, 2022

Members of Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine’s eighth and ninth classes to reach their Golden Anniversary, the DVM Classes of 1970 and 1971, received special recognition during a weekend of nostalgic events. The activities began with their arrival on the Purdue campus for the David and Bonnie Brunner Purdue Veterinary Medical Hospital Complex Dedication Ceremony on Friday, April 8.

Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine Puts DEI Front and Center in Veterinary Education

April 19, 2022

Diversity Champions exemplify an unyielding commitment to diversity and inclusion throughout their campus communities, across academic programs, and at the highest administrative levels. INSIGHT Into Diversity selected institutions that rank in the top tier of Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Award recipients. Read the full story at Insight Into Diversity.