Pathology Services

As a board-certified veterinary anatomic pathologist, Dr. Pillai offers expert pathology consultation services, for both clinical practitioners and researchers in academia and industry.


Our lab provides consultations and guidance for dissections, necropsy, developmental biology, and histopathology (including professional pathologist assessments/interpretations) across various experimental organisms, from rodents to domestic animals and worms (C elegans). With extensive experience collaborating with university and industry partners, we provide expert pathology evaluation for preclinical toxicology and pharmacology studies. Additionally, we assist in experimental design and the development, application, and interpretation of biomarker tests. 

The Pillai lab provides pathology support to investigators for:

  • Histopathology consultation: Tissue selection and processing, antibody profiles, and data interpretation
  • General histology: Routine H&E and specialized stains
  • Diagnostic and experimental necropsies: Collection of fresh prospective tissue, gross and histologic exam of all tissues, tissue and slide archives
  • IHC services: Customized antibody panels

Research and Diagnostic Support

  • Research submissions: Pathology research support services are available on a collaborative or fee for service basis. Estimates and letters of support are available and pre-project consultation is encouraged. Please contact Dr. Pillai for more information. 
  • Diagnostic submissions: Pillai provides diagnostic pathology services (biopsy and autopsy) to veterinary clinicians through the Indiana Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (ADDL). Read more details on sample submission.

We actively seek collaboration on projects that require pathology expertise, particularly those focusing on cell biology, cancer and cell signaling. Please contact Dr. Pillai for more information or to discuss potential collaborations.