Lab Policies, Fees and Frequently Asked Questions


Scheduling  – Scheduling of a study will be done on a first come first serve basis. Please contact the Lab manager ( to schedule your project. 

Confidentiality –  Confidentiality of studies conducted in the Pre-Clinical Research Laboratory is assured by University Policies and confidentiality agreements with Purdue University.  

Publications  – In publications that describe research that was facilitated by the Pre-Clinical Research Laboratory, authors are requested to include a statement acknowledging the use of the Pre-Clinical Research Laboratory: “The author(s) acknowledge the use of the facilities of the Purdue University Pre-Clinical Research Laboratory, a core facility of the NIH-funded Indiana Clinical and Translational Science Institute.”

Animal Welfare -  To ensure ethical use of research animals and compliance with the statues of the Animal Welfare Act and the guidelines of the Public Health Service as issued in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, study protocols and study personnel need to be approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) prior to the start of the study.

Policies  - The  Policies of the Pre-Clinical Research Laboratory  detail confidentiality, conflict resolution, cost recovery and payment, prioritization of work, adherence to animal welfare statutes and guidelines, and publication rules.  

Fees and Billing

Pre-Clinical Research Laboratory fees

To conduct your study, the PCL coordinates services from different Core Laboratories and Units, for instance animal housing, imaging services, histology services, etc. Our technicians can assist you with getting quotes for preparation of a budget for your study. The fees for the services of the PCL are:

Table of Technical Support Costs
Service Internal Rate External Rate
Technician $56.00/hr $122.05/hr
Technician Overtime $76.00/hr $183.08/hr
Student $15.61/hr $24.51/hr
Anesthesia Machine Use (per 15 minutes of use) $18.09 $28.40
Large Animal Surgery Fee (per animal) $718.83 $1,128.57
Acute Studies Fee (per animal) $250.00 $646.14
Rodent Surgery Fee (per animal) $353.58 $646.14
Rodent Studies Fee (per animal) $97.55 $300.60
Dog PK (avg 12 samples per animal) $95.85 $150.48

*Additional charges may apply based on the Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH) involvement


Monthly billing statements of the PCL are provided by the Purdue University Business Offices through iLab Solution. Other Core Laboratories or Units engaged in a study will issue their own monthly statements.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when I request a consultation? Most likely, the lab manager will set up a meeting to discuss your needs. If necessary, depending on your request (experimental design, budget, IACUC or grant proposal), other specialists may be invited as well. Consultations are free of charge. Please note that a complete experimental design, a submitted IACUC application and an agreed upon budget is needed to complete a PCL Study Work Request.

How do I get access to the iLab Pre-Clinical Research Laboratory website? To get access to iLab Solutions, go to Click “Register” in the top right corner. Choose “Register using Purdue credentials” and follow the instructions. Then contact the PCL manager and request permission to access the PCL module in iLab Solutions.

How do I initiate a study? A study is formally initiated by completing and submitting the PCL Study Work Request in the PCL module in iLab Solutions. Please note that a complete experimental design, a submitted IACUC application and an agreed upon budget is needed tp complete this step.

How long does it take to start the actual study ? The time from submission of the Study Work Request to the start of the actual study may vary from a couple weeks to a couple months


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