Bacterial 16s Sequencing

Section: Molecular Diagnostics

Fee: $85.00

Turnaround Time: 10–21 business days

Days Test Started: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Species: All Species




Minimum Amount

Bacterial Isolate

Culture plate or slant

Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded Tissues

Sterile, Sealed, Leakproof Container or Whirlpak

Five - 10μm scrolls

Collection Information

Please ensure the sample is a pure culture. Mixed cultures require additional isolation and identification at additional cost to the submitter. Scrolls of formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissues are most useful when a bacterial organism has been visualized by a pathologist.

Shipping Information

OVERNIGHT - Ship overnight in an insulated shipper with ice packs (pack absorptive material to collect moisture) DO NOT SHIP OVER THE WEEKEND OR HOLIDAY - NO SATURDAY DELIVERY
LEAKS - Ensure all samples are in leakproof packages and clearly labeled with Tissue Type/Animal ID/Owner Name. Include absorptive material to collect any leaks - double bag any fresh tissues.
PAPERWORK - Package paperwork separately in a waterproof, sealable plastic bag. Ensure paperwork is complete and specimens are labeled for easy matching. If you are using CF.755 Multiple Animal Continuation Form, please include a hard copy and email a copy to Ship specimens overnight with an ice pack. DO NOT SHIP OVER THE WEEKEND OR HOLIDAY.

Additional Information
This method compares the highly conserved 16s ribosomal RNA sequence of the unknown isolate to that of known bacterial pathogens. When traditional methods of bacterial identification (biochemical tests, MALDI-TOF) fail, or when a culture is unavailable, 16s Sequencing may be a useful alternative.

Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, 625 Harrison Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907, 765-494-7607

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