Toxicology/Analytical Chemistry

Submission Guidelines for Submissions: 

Please complete an appropriate Submission Form, available on the Forms page, and submit with the sample.

1.  Refrigerate or freeze tissue, urine, ocular fluid, and vomitus/gastrointestinal content samples.  If a test using serum/plasma is also needed, Refrigerate, Do Not Freeze. 
2.  If you are unsure of what test to request, call the Toxicology Laboratory prior to sample submission.
3.  Samples will be held for 2 weeks past the final report date of Toxicology testing. If additional testing is needed, please notify the Toxicology Laboratory as soon as possible to make the request.

Suspected Toxicoses of Unknown Origin

When a toxicosis is suspected, but the specific toxin is unknown, please follow these guidelines:

1.  Obtain a complete history.
2.  Perform a complete physical examination or necropsy (depending on the state of the animal).
3.  If the animal is alive, collect and save:

  • Vomitus (all available)
  • Urine (all available)
  • Whole Blood (5 ml in purple top EDTA tube)
  • Serum/Plasma in glass tube with NO rubber stopper (if zinc toxicity is suspected)

4.  If at necropsy:

  • Fix representative tissues in 10% formalin
  • Save samples for bacteriology and virology if appropriate
  • Collect and save the following for possible toxicology testing:
    • Liver (approximately 100 g)
    • Stomach/Rumen contents (approximately 100 g or all available)
    • Brain (if bromethalin or organophosphate toxicosis are suspected) 1/2 brain from large animals; whole brain from small animals
    • Kidney (1/2)
    • Urine (all available)
    • Eyeball or Ocular fluid (if nitrate toxicosis is suspected)
    • Fat (approx. 100g, e.g. if bromethalin toxicosis is suspected)

5.  If feed or water are possibly related, submit:

  • A minimum of 1 pound of feed
  • A minimum of 1 quart of water

6.  If environmental samples are related (e.g. plants, mushrooms, suspect bait or source material):

  • Collect and save a representative sample and store refrigerated

7.  Call the ADDL for consultation on appropriate testing based on the clinical history and physical examination or necropsy findings.

Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, 625 Harrison Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907, 765-494-7607

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