CAWS Publications
Research Articles
Food animal well-being
- Ajuwon, K. Effects of dietary protein and rapidly fermentable carbohydrate contents on bacterial metabolites and intestinal microbiota composition in weaning pigs. - March 2015
- Brito, L., Schinckel, A. Large-Scale Phenotyping of Livestock Welfare in Commercial Production Systems: A New Frontier in Animal Breeding. July 2020
- Croney, C., Erasmus, M., Ni, JQ. A critical review of advancement in scientific research on food animal welfare-related air pollution - April 2021
- Croney, C., Muir, W., Ni, JQ. et al. An Overview of Engineering Approaches to Improving Agricultural Animal Welfare- Feb 2018
- Cheng, H. Behavioral changes and feathering score in heat stressed broiler chickens fed diets containing different levels of propolis. - March 2015
- Eicher, S. The influence of dietary zinc source and coccidial vaccine exposure on intracellular zinc homeostasis and immune status in broiler chickens - July 2015
- Lay, D. Comparing the effects of rapid and gradual cooling following acute hyperthermia on body temperature and inflammatory response - April 2015
- Lay, D. Nitrous oxide as a humane method for piglet euthanasia: Behavior and electroencephalography (EEG) - June 2015
- Ni, J-Q. Research and demonstration to improve air quality for the U.S. animal feeding operations in the 21st century - A critical review - May 2015
Non-food animal well being
- Ajuwon, K. Inhibition of MMP-13 prevents diet-induced obesity in mice and suppresses adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes - July 2015
- Brady, C., O'Haire, M., Gaskill, B. Changing Human Behavior to Improve Animal Welfare: A Longitudinal Investigation of Training Laboratory Animal Personnel about Heterospecific Play or "Rat Tickling" - June 2020
- Brady, C., O'Haire, M., Gaskill, B. Laboratory Animal Welfare Meets Human Welfare: A Cross-Sectional Study of Professional Quality of Life, Including Compassion Fatigue in Laboratory Animal Personnel. March 2020
- Gaskill, B. The effect of cage space on behavior and reproduction in Crl:CD1(lcr) and C57BL/6NCrl laboratory mice. - May 2015
- Gaskill, B. Lack of Negative Effects on Syrian Hamsters and Mongolian Gerbils Housed in the Same Secondary Enclosure - May 2015
- Muir, W. Mate competition and evolutionary outcomes in genetically modified zebrafish (Danio rerio) - May 2015
- Ogata, N. Dogs, physical activity, and walking (Dogs PAW): acceptability and feasibility of a pilot physical activity intervention. - May 2015
- Ogata, N. Exploring future possibilities for studies in canine anxiety disorders - Aug 2015
- Weng, H. Effect of a Limited Iodine Diet on Iodine Uptake by Thyroid Glands in Hyperthyroid Cats. - Aug 2015
- Widmar, N. Chinese aquaculture farmers’ value system and on-farm decision making. - Apr 2015
- Widmar, NJO. Sensitivity analysis to aid shelter management decisions: how does altering expenditure affect operational viability? - March 2015
Public interest/social/economic issues relative to animal welfare
- Croney, CC & Widmar, NJO. Perception is reality: processing. - Apr 2015
- Croney, C. Words Matter: Implications of Semantics and Imagery in Framing Animal-Welfare Issues - Fall 2015
- Widmar, N. Hunters’ perspectives on animal welfare and meat demand: an application of maximum difference and choice experiment methods - July 2015
- Widmar, N. Actions speak louder than words : processing - July 2015
- Perceptions of Agriculture and Food Corporate Social Responsibility, Journal of Food Products Marketing - 2018
Interface between human-animal bond and animal welfare
- Beck, AM. The biology of the human-animal bond. - Dec 2014
- Beck, AM. The human-animal bond and domestication: Through the ages…animals in our lives. - Dec 2014
- Beck, A., Moore, G., & Widmar, N. Survey of US Veterinary Students on Communicating with Limited English Proficient Spanish-Speaking Pet Owners - Fall 2015
- O’Haire, ME, Beck, AM. Animals may act as social buffers: skin conductance arousal in children with autism spectrum disorder in a social context. - April 2015
- O'Haire, M. Animal-Assisted Intervention for trauma: a systematic literature review. - Aug 2015
CAWS Executive White Papers
- Exploring demand for attributes of processed turkey products: turkey bacon and lunchmeat - July 2020
- Public awareness of the roles and welfare of veterinarians - May 2020
- Public Perceptions of Dog Acquisition: Sources, Rationales and Expenditures - June 2016
- Public Perceptions of Dog Welfare, Sourcing and Breeding Regulation - June 2016
- U.S. Residents’ Perceptions of Dogs, Their Welfare and Related Information Sources - June 2016
- Effect of Cameras in the Workplace: Implications for the U.S. Swine Industry - May 2016
- Outdoor Enthusiasts’ Classification of Animal Species and Estimation of Animal Life Expectancy - August 2015
- U.S. Residents’ Awareness of Animal Diseases - August 2015
- Perceptions of United States Residents: Animal Agriculture and Meat Products - June 2015
- Perceptions of Animal Agriculture and Meat Products: Spotlights on Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin - June 2015
- Outdoor Enthusiasts' Perceptions of Hunting and Animal Welfare - June 2015
- Perception of Indiana State Residents: Animal Agriculture and Meat Products in 2014 - May 2015
Conference Proceedings
2019 Center for Animal Welfare Science Conference ProceedingsExtension Papers, Handouts and Other Publications
Animal welfare and animal rights: Ethics, science and explanations ( (Erasmus)
Factors Affecting Perceptions of Animal Welfare in Developing Countries ( (Croney)
Farm Animal Welfare: Audits and Certification Programs ( (Karcher, Erasmus)
Gut Feelings: How Probiotics May Improve Animal Welfare (
ANIMAL WELL-BEING – (CAWS faculty author)
- Assessing Kennel Dog Welfare ( (Croney)
- Brucella canis: Emerging zoonotic disease? Implications for commercial breeding kennels and public health ( (Croney)
- Promoting the Welfare of Kenneled Dogs: Environmental Considerations ( (Croney)
- Promoting the Welfare of Kenneled Dogs: Space Allocations and Exercise ( (Croney)
- Effects of Flooring on Animal Health and Well-Being: Implications for Kenneled Dogs ( (Croney)
- Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS): Implications for canine welfare and management ( (Croney)
- Factors that impact dog selection and welfare ( (Croney)
- Implications of weaning age for dog welfare ( (Croney)
- The role of caretaker interactions in environmental enrichment for kenneled dogs ( (Croney)
- Temperature Requirements for Dogs ( (Croney)
- Welfare Implications of Dental Health in Commercial Breeding Dogs ( (Croney)

- Animal Well-being: Cattle (Erasmus)
- How can the dairy industry communicate more effectively on animal welfare? (Croney)

Felines (Cats)
- Enhancing the welfare of caged cats through environmental management: The importance of routine and cage environment (
- Exotic Feline Enrichment ( (Erasmus)
- Caged cats — Importance of routine and cage environment ( (Croney)
- Animal Well-Being Goats ( (Erasmus)
- Animal Well-being: Pigs ( (Erasmus)
- Animal Well-being: Poultry (Erasmus)
- An Explanation of Damaging Pecking Behavior in Poultry and Captive Birds (Dong, Karcher, and Erasmus)
- Poultry Capture & Handling (Karcher)
Center Newsletters
- CAWS Update - April 2024
- CAWS Update - April 2022
- CAWS Update - March 2022
- 2021 Annual Report/Highlights
- December 2020 Highlights
- October 2019 Newsletter
- December 2017 Newsletter
- December 2016 Newsletter
- May 2015 Newsletter
- December 2015 Newsletter
- December 2014 Newsletter
- July 2014 Newsletter