Advanced Beef Cow-Calf Production Medicine


BackgroundAdvanced Beef Cow-Calf Production Medicine Clinical Rotation

Beef production medicine is becoming an area of increased focus at veterinary schools across America.  We have a unique situation here at Purdue University in that we have 22 herds across the state where we provide beef cow-calf production medicine consultation services.  This block was offered beginning with the Class of 2012. We expect to take a maximum of 10 students for this block.

Course Information

Course Name:

Advanced Beef Cow-Calf Production Medicine

Course Number:

VCS 87904


Block 9:

October 26 - November 13, 2015 *FULL

October 24-Novmeber 11, 2016 *FULL


1 block (3 weeks)

Arranged Total Hours:

135 hours


3 credits

This course is designed to provide an intensive 3 week experiential clinical rotation that is focused on beef cow-calf production medicine.  The students will spend about 40% of the time on herd visits, about 50% on research and writing up herd reports and about 10% in lecture.  Each student will be responsible for a specific area of focus on each herd visit.  The areas of focus are: health, nutrition, fertility, environment, genetics, records and marketing. If the herd also has a feedlot as part of the beef business, we will also examine that enterprise. The course will be offered first to Purdue DVM students and then, if additional space is available, any other fourth year veterinary student can apply.  Purdue students taking the block will be available for back-up emergency duty on days when they are on campus.


Purdue students are required to take VCS 83901 Beef Production Medicine. Students from other veterinary schools should have taken an equivalent course or will need to have special permission from the instructor of record.  An application will need to be completed so as to assess the student’s background in beef production medicine and so that the best learning experience can be achieved.


This course is available to food animal, large animal and mixed animal track students. 


Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, 625 Harrison Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907, 765-494-7607

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