Policy on Use of Photography, Videography, and Diagnostic Images
To avoid distribution of digital photographs, videos, and diagnostic images to inappropriate sites or individuals, the following policy is adopted.
- Photos, videos, or images of University-owned or client-owned animals or cadavers (entire cadavers or parts thereof) may be made for educational purposes as long as client confidentiality is protected.
- The above images must not be posted on social media networks or web sites except for official PVM business.
- Veterinary Hospital patients
- At admissions to the Purdue University Veterinary Hospital, clients are asked to consent to the following:
- RELEASE AND USE OF IMAGES AND MEDICAL INFORMATION: I do hereby give permissions to Purdue University, its agents, and others working under its authority, full and fee use of photographs and/or video taken of me and/or my animal. I understand these images may be used for promotional, news, educational, and related purposes (i.e. websites, media releases, print and electronic publications, etc.) I hereby release, discharge, and hold harmless the University and it agents from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action that I may hereafter have by reason of anything contained in the photographs or video. I do further certify that I am either of legal age or possess full legal capacity to execute the forgoing authorization and release. ___ Yes ___ No.
- If a client refuses permission for photographs or videos of his/her animal, the medical record and/or the animal must be identified with a warning that is easily seen.
- Animal and owner names and addresses on images or videos of Veterinary Hospital patients or on diagnostic images, such as radiographs, ultrasound, or endoscopy, must be removed prior to use of the images or videos.
- Photography and videography of animals covered under a Purdue Animal Care and Use (PACUC) protocol must be in compliance with the PACUC Policy on Visitation, Photography, Videography, and Observation within Vertebrate Animal Facilities
Visitors are not permitted to take photographs or videos of animals or cadavers in PVM unless administrative approval is obtained.