Opportunities for as many 60 off-campus, three-week blocks for individual study with adjunct faculty are available for each 4th year class.* While any student may apply for one off-campus block, applicants with a primary career interest that is not presently covered in the Purdue DVM Curriculum may apply for as many as four (including off-campus with adjunct faculty - VM 89000). Examples of such career interest may include zoo animal, non-traditional companion animals, wildlife, and non-practice experiences. All proposed off-campus blocks will be evaluated for educational merit and judged on a competitive basis by the Curriculum Committee. Prior level of academic performance in the DVM program may be considered in the evaluation process. Application for off-campus blocks will be made by each interested student using a standard format provided by the Curriculum Committee.
All applications must be reviewed and approved by the student's faculty advisor prior to submission to the Curriculum Committee. Off-campus block applications must be received by the Curriculum Committee chairperson for committee action no later than November 1 prior to the start of the 4th year curriculum. In general, a total of four off-campus experiences (VM 89000 and VM 89100) may be activated during each of the seventeen senior year rotation times.
An off-campus elective block shall be three credits. The course number VM 89100 will be assigned. The experience will be graded as pass/not pass by the student's advisor after the advisor has reviewed a written evaluation of the student's performance from the off-campus supervisor.
A student who is on probation at the scheduled time of their approved off-campus block (s) with adjunct faculty must forfeit that block.
*A maximum combined of 60 off-campus experiences (VM 89000 and VM 89100) will be allowed in a given year.