Scott Fix, Rm 1200, Lynn Hall, 49-68392 or Contact Scott when you see things around the building that are in need of repair, i.e., doors or fountains not working, windows broken, light bulbs out, heating and air conditioning problems, etc.
Your Purdue ID (PUID) is used for accessing the card readers in and on all the buildings. Fill out a blue card, sign, date, write your PUID number and a 4-digit PIN number on the appropriate line on the back, and return to Scott Fix. You will need to log in to eAccounts to assign your PIN to your PUID (instructions included in your folder). You may have occasion to obtain keys to labs, or other areas, while here. Keys can be checked out from, and are to be returned to, Scott Fix upon departure from Purdue Veterinary Medicine (PVM). You are responsible for the keys checked out in your name.
DOORS TO THE MAIN BUILDING ARE OPEN, generally; Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. On weekends, ONLY the handicapped ramp door and the main floor door nearest the Library are unlocked during hours when the Library is open.
"AFTER HOURS" BUILDING EMERGENCY: (water running on to the floor or furniture; smoke coming from equipment or unknown area) contact the PURDUE POLICE: 49-48221. They know whom to contact to take care of the situation.
We are asking all faculty, staff and students in PVM to be responsible for the security of the College: If a door is supposed to be locked, please be sure that it locks behind you! Some of the doors should AUTOMATICALLY lock when pulled completely shut but do not always "catch." This is something to watch.
The University policy regarding animals in campus buildings (even PVM) states that "animals shall be permitted in University facilities only as necessary and required in authorized teaching, public service, or research activities of the University, or as specifically authorized by the University." Personal pets are not allowed at PVM. Hospital animals being taken for a "walk" must be leashed. The animal handler is responsible for cleaning up after any animal that makes a mess inside or outside the building. The custodians are not required to clean up animal waste -- and they will not do so! It is very, very important that we all do this!
We DO NOT HAVE A DAYTIME CUSTODIAN to mop up spills in the halls and stairways. We MUST clean up after ourselves.
Purdue is a SMOKE-FREE CAMPUS, and smoking is not permitted on campus except in a limited number of designated areas. If you must smoke, please be aware that the ONLY designated smoking area around the entire Veterinary complex is at the northeast corner of Lynn Hall. To view the entire policy and a map of designated smoking areas, please visit
Boards are designated for different classes, clubs, and other groups in the various ground floor and second floor hallways of Lynn Hall. There are not enough boards for every group—they must be shared. The Student Success Center assigns all bulletin board space for student use. Please do not post papers on doors, hall walls, etc., around the building—they will be removed and discarded. Please do not post notices on the student mailboxes – please use the designated class/club bulletin boards. The main hall bulletin board, next to Room 1204, is reserved for required federal/state and job postings only.
We have a small cafeteria located behind lecture hall 1136. Hours are: 7:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m., Monday- Friday. See Scott Fix, in Room 1200, to reserve this area for functions to take place after Café hours.
There are vending machines on the second floor above Continuum Café and in the basement next to the student lounge -- coffee (anyway you like it!), snacks, soft drinks and juices are available.
In association with the ACE program on campus, we have opened a food pantry located in LYNN B197. The hours of operation are every Monday and Thursday from 12:30-2:00 p.m.
Room 1192, East and West, may be reserved for college-based meetings by contacting the Student Success Center, 765-494-7893 or A daily use schedule is posted once each morning; however, this schedule can and does change throughout the day as needs arise. Please check with the Student Success Center before assuming an empty room means availability. You may be invited to vacate the room by the group who has taken the time to schedule it.
There are three notary publics in the PVM: Amanda Taylor (Student Success Center, Rm. 1185), and Carlene Linn and Angela Pickett (Dean’s Off., Rm. 1176) are notary publics for your convenience. Please remember: do not sign the document until you stand before the notary public! They must witness your signature.
The Gazette is published every week and distributed via email every Friday. If you wish to submit an article, the deadline is 5 p.m., Wednesday, every week. Holidays are an exception to this deadline, and revised holiday deadlines will be published the week before. All submissions should be emailed to
Lost and Found is located in the Student Success Center, Room 1185. If you find an item, please take it there. Check there if you’ve lost something.