Assessment Curriculum Committee
Committee Charge
- Establish a schedule for systematic evaluation of each course so that evaluations of all courses is completed in a 3-year period. After two evaluations cycles, in the seventh year the curriculum will be reviewed as a whole as required by the AVMA Council on Education.
- In the year in which a course is designated for evaluation, the instructor of record will provide a written narrative in which he/she discusses changes implemented since the last review, assesses effectiveness of the course in equipping students to achieve the learning objectives, summarizes student performance, and makes suggestions for improvement.
- Evaluate each course for congruence with approved objectives and syllabus.
- Assess integration of courses covering related material and identify redundancies and omissions.
- Make recommendations for improvement to the instructor of record, the appropriate department head, and the Curriculum Committee.
- Schedule a meeting with the Curriculum Committee at least annually to present and discuss recommendations.
- Committee members will have access to course evaluations and feedback from students, faculty, first employers and alumni. The committee will collect additional feedback as needed.
Committee Organization
- 2 faculty elected by the faculty of each academic department (BMS, CPB, VCS) and one faculty member from VAD.
- 1 student appointed by the Dean from each of the 4 DVM classes to serve a 1-year term; multiple sequential terms are preferred because of the experience that is gained each year.
- Faculty members will be appointed by the Dean for 3-year terms based on interest and support of the appropriate department head. Faculty may serve a maximum of two sequential terms.
- Faculty chairperson will be appointed by the Dean.
- Associate Dean for Academic Affairs or designee (ex officio)
- Administrative support will be provided by the Dean's Office staff