With Spanish Classes, Vet Schools Aim To Break Down Barriers With Farmworkers

Thursday, July 26, 2018

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Esperanza Yanez can spot a sick cow just by looking at it.

“The head hangs down and they don’t eat,” says Yanez, who immigrated from Mexico two decades ago and has been caring for cattle ever since.

While learning to communicate with animals takes years of patience, Yanez says the true language barrier exists between the dairy workers and the veterinarians who rarely speak Spanish. Medical terminology can be confusing, and to avoid embarrassment, Yanez says she and other workers may feign comprehension.

Read more at: With Spanish Classes, Vet Schools Aim To Break Down Barriers With Farmworkers

Writer(s): Purdue Veterinary Medicine News | pvmnews@purdue.edu

Category: In the News

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