Dr. Jessica Zeigler (PU DVM 2018)
The Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine was well represented in the American Veterinary Medical History Society (AVMHS) 2018 J. Fred Smithcors Student Veterinary History Essay Contest. Congratulations to Jessica Zeiger, of the DVM Class of 2018, for winning first place and Janna Draper, of the DVM Class of 2019, for winning fourth place.
Jessica’s essay was entitled, “Perceptions of Conception: The History of Artificial Insemination,” and Janna wrote about the topic, “History of Ebola and the Role of Veterinarians.” This is neither students’ first-time winning the essay contest. Jessica has submitted four essays in the past three years. In 2016 she won fourth place, she took first and second place in 2017, and during her senior year she won first place again! For Janna, this is her second prize winning entry. Last year, she won third place.

Janna Draper, DVM Class of 2019
PVM Professor of Veterinary History David Williams, who serves as president of the AVMHS, is proud of the students and says their success reflects the College’s commitment to providing education about the history of veterinary medicine. Both students completed all five of Professor Williams’ veterinary history courses. In total, PVM students submitted seven essays to the competition this year.
The AVMHS established the annual J. Fred Smithcors Student Veterinary History Essay Contest in 1991 to promote interest in history by encouraging participation from students enrolled in veterinary medical colleges in the United States, Canada, and West Indies. The contest is named in honor of Dr. J. Fred Smithcors for his many contributions to veterinary history as founder of the AVMHS, author of several books on veterinary history, as well as an educator, publisher, and editor. The winning entries are selected by a panel of AVMHS judges through a blind judging process in which the writers’ identities are kept secret. The winners receive cash prizes awarded in memory of Dr. Elizabeth Atwood Lawrence.