Support from PVM Family Contributes to Successful Purdue United Way Campaign

Thanks to the generosity of the Purdue Veterinary Medicine family, the College of Veterinary Medicine contributed significantly to the success of Purdue University’s 2021 United Way campaign. As of the conclusion of the campaign, giving to the college’s United Way drive totaled more than $16,500, an increase of 26 percent from the previous year. 

“I am deeply appreciative of the generosity of the PVM family, and the care and concern that our faculty and staff show for our neighbors in need in our community through their support of the College of Veterinary Medicine’s component of the Purdue United Way campaign,” said Dean Willie Reed.  “I want to thank everyone who contributed for the incredible support given in 2021, which represented a significant increase in giving. I am so thankful that the PVM family is such a great model for the University of strong support for the United Way agencies that do so much to help our Greater Lafayette community.” 

Angela Pickett, executive assistant to the dean, served as the college’s United Way campaign chairperson. “Thank you to everyone who registered a response, whether that involved making a gift or not.  Every response is valued.” The Purdue United Way campaign wrapped up at the United Way of Greater Lafayette’s campaign victory celebration November 18 at the West Lafayette Golf and Country Club. The United Way of Greater Lafayette campaign raised a total of $4,600,256.  The University’s contribution amounted to nearly $640,000.  Steve Abel, associate provost for engagement, was this year’s Purdue United Way campaign chair. Linda Mason, dean of the Graduate School, was the vice chair.

Writer(s): Angela Pickett and Kevin Doerr |

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