Structural Steel Begins to Outline Shape of New Veterinary Hospital

Small Animal Hospital construction site
Aerial view looking east from Lynn Hall shows structural steel being erected at the site of the new Small Animal Hospital.
Farm Animal Hospital construction site
Aerial view looking southeast toward the intersection of Harrison and Grant Streets shows the site of the Farm Animal Hospital.

The scene at the construction site for the new Purdue University Veterinary Hospital is changing dramatically as work progresses east of Lynn Hall.  Though things have been relatively quiet around campus this summer, progress at the construction site is booming.  As of July 30, structural steel is being erected at the site of the Small Animal Hospital.  The steel beams now create an outline of the facility stretching south from Harrison Street.  At the same time, the concrete foundation and elevated deck are being built for the Equine Hospital, while preparations also have been made to pour the concrete foundation for the Farm Animal Hospital.

All of that progress has created a much different scene from February when Phase One began with the grading and control of erosion as well as the demolition of landscape and hardscapes along with utility relocation.  Plans call for completion of the facilities in December 2021 with an opening date of Spring 2022.

Aerial view of Equine Hospital construction site
This view looking north across the construction site shows the elevated deck under construction at the Equine Hospital.

Writer(s): Kevin Doerr and Jonathan Martz, PVM Communications Intern |

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