The Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine honored several members of the staff and faculty during a virtual version of the traditional Outstanding Staff and Bravo Awards Ceremony Wednesday, June 2. Dean Willie Reed presented the awards as part of a ceremony on the Zoom platform, which he opened by saying, “We have just concluded a most unusual academic year full of daunting challenges, and I couldn’t be more proud of our PVM family for the determination and grit you all have shown throughout the pandemic.”
The first two awards announced at the ceremony were the Outstanding Staff Awards, which have been presented annually since 1988, when they were initiated with a gift by an alumnus, the late Dr. Carl Osborne (PU DVM ’64) and his wife, Lynn. The awards recognize excellent performance by the College of Veterinary Medicine’s non-faculty, full-time employees. “Excellent staff members are, in my view, the often unsung heroes in an organization,” Dean Reed said.
The first award was presented to Dr. Craig Bowen, assistant director of the Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (ADDL), who was nominated for excellence in service, enhancing the college’s public image, excellence in public and professional services and relations, and exceptional performance of assigned duties above and beyond expectations. “Dr. Bowen, thank you so much for the way you have excelled in your job as ADDL assistant director through your contributions to the COVID-19 testing effort at the ADDL. This has been in addition to your consistently high level of performance in your regular duties related to animal diagnostics,” Dean Reed said in describing Dr. Bowen’s accomplishments. “You also have been instrumental in developing the process for COVID-19 data management, which required countless hours spent coordinating with the Protect Purdue Health Center and PVM-IT.” In addition, Dean Reed commended Dr. Bowen for raising awareness about the important services provided at the ADDL. Quoting one of Dr. Bowen’s nominators, Dean Reed added, “Before the pandemic, few people on campus and in the community had heard of the ADDL. Now we are well known for stepping-up to support the campus and community with our expertise in high volume testing … Dr. Bowen’s focus on professional services and relations has been a positive reflection on the ADDL.”

Dr. Bowen was presented with a plaque in advance of the event that includes the following inscription: “We thank you for your leadership, innovative mindset and expertise which have contributed to protecting the Purdue community, while continuing to provide excellent diagnostic services to veterinary clients. We value your approachable, professional demeanor which engages colleagues and clients, allowing progress toward common goals.”
The second Outstanding Staff Award was given to ECC/ICU veterinary nursing supervisor in the Purdue University Veterinary Hospital, Tami Lind, RVT, VTS (ECC/ICU), who was nominated for excellence in service, enhancing our college’s public image, excellence in public and professional services and relations, and exceptional performance of assigned duties above and beyond expectations. “Your dedication to patient care is exemplified by the way you have consistently expanded your knowledge as evidenced by your success in obtaining the veterinary specialty designation in emergency and critical care,” Dean Reed said. “That achievement enhances our reputation and explains why you are sought after as a presenter at many local and national conferences.”
Dean Reed continued the accolades by saying, “We also must not forget about all that you do as the supervisor in the hospital’s ECC/ICU unit – which is the unit with the largest number of staff. Keeping everyone organized and meeting our patients’ needs 24/7 for 365 days a year is no small feat, and you do it remarkably well. Yet, even all of that fails to reflect the totality of your contribution to our college.” Dean Reed then quoted one of Tami’s nominators, who wrote, “From organizing staffing for central supply in a pinch, to running to large animal to place an IV catheter in a pig, fixing a label printer, and then running upstairs to sort out a payroll issue, she has one of the broadest understandings of the working of this hospital of anyone here.”

Dean Reed then read the inscription on the award plaque, which included this commendation: “Your endless enthusiasm, exceptional work ethic, and commitment to developing the knowledge and skill of students and staff are exemplary and deeply appreciated. Your leadership and integrity of work are inspiring and move the University forward in our commitment to excellence in veterinary education and care.”
Next, Dean Reed presented the Outstanding Research Staff Award, which recognizes non-faculty research staff members for the very important roles they play in the discovery mission of the college. The 2021 Outstanding Research Staff Award recipient is Laura Murray, RVT, research technologist in the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, who was nominated for performance over and above the call of duty and excellence in research initiative. “Laura, I congratulate you and thank you for all the great work that you have done in research not only in our Equine Sports Medicine Center, but also in the Clinical Discovery Laboratory,” Dean Reed said. He then quoted from one of her nominators, who commented, “Laura is a staff member that has a unique set of skills which makes her an invaluable asset to our college.”
Dean Reed continued his remarks by citing Laura’s proactive communications and supply management that helps the Equine Sports Medicine Center operate efficiently. Additionally, Dean Reed applauded Laura for her vital role in the Clinical Discovery Laboratory, saying, “You are recognized as being highly organized and able to ensure that treatment and post-operative monitoring are documented consistently and thoroughly.”
Dean Reed then read the following inscription from Laura’s award plaque: “Awarded in recognition of your excellence in laboratory work, commitment to clinical research, and contributions to discovery at the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine; as well as your collegiality, work ethics, and valued contributions to teaching students of all skill levels, we honor you.”

The ceremony continued with the awarding of the PVM Staff Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion Award, which honors a staff member who has demonstrated emerging or sustained excellence in diversity and inclusion endeavors that have impacted the PVM community through active contributions that create a welcoming, supportive, and inclusive culture. “It is my pleasure to present the 2021 PVM Staff Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion Award to Paige Allen, assistant director of academic advising and recruiting in the Veterinary Administration Department,” Dean Reed said in announcing the award. He commended Paige for demonstrating her commitment to inclusive excellence by intentionally ensuring that all her students feel welcomed and valued, as well as for the way she has threaded diversity and inclusion into the Veterinary Nursing Program curriculum. He also noted that Paige has been an active participant in all of PVM’s Virtual Learning Cafés, sponsored by the Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and served as a learning café co-presenter on the topic, “How to be an Ally.”
Additionally, Dean Reed described roles Paige has played as a participant in the Purdue University Equity Institute and as a lecturer locally, nationally, and internationally on topics including, “More to Me than You See: Promoting Cultural Competency” and the “Changing Face of Veterinary Medicine”. Dean Reed then quoted a statement made by her nominator, who wrote, “Not only is she passionate about our school and our profession, but she believes and follows diligently the Diversity and Inclusion Mission Statement of the PVM Strategic Plan.” He then read the inscription on the award plaque, commending Paige for her efforts aimed at promoting diversity awareness, representation, and inclusion within the College of Veterinary Medicine and the broader community.
Next, faculty and staff members who completed the online Certificate Program for Diversity and Inclusion in Veterinary Medicine were honored. Dean Reed recognized several individuals who recently finished the program, which was developed in conjunction with the American Veterinary Medical Association and the American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges through the college’s Center of Excellence for Diversity and Inclusion in Veterinary Medicine. Congratulations to the following individuals:
- Dr. Ahmed Hassan, visiting assistant professor, Department of Comparative Pathobiology;
- Andrea Haan-Cloud, senior administrative assistant, Department of Veterinary Administration;
- Holly McCalip, RVT, instructional technologist, Department of Veterinary Administration;
- Ben Shepard, director of lifelong learning, Department of Veterinary Administration; and
- Jessyca Waddell, Vet Up! outreach coordinator, Department of Veterinary Administration.
Dean Reed concluded the awards ceremony by presenting Bravo Awards, which recognize substantial accomplishments achieved by employees that extend well beyond regular work responsibilities. Award winners may be recognized in any of four categories:
- Moving the University Forward — accomplishments or contributions that transform or advance university objectives;
- Innovation and Creativity — innovative work or suggestions well beyond standard job requirements that significantly improve operational efficiencies or introduce new or improved processes;
- Operational Excellence — extraordinary effort during times of critical department need; or
- Fiscal Stewardship — significant cost saving or cost avoidance realized beyond normally expected or established standards.

Congratulations to the following Bravo Award recipients:
- Crystal Bradford — for Operational Excellence as administrative assistant in the Department of Comparative Pathobiology
- Ashlee Eddings, RVT — for Innovation/Creativity and Operational Excellence as a versa technician in the Purdue University Veterinary Hospital
- Wright Frazier — for Operational Excellence as director of web communications in the Department of Veterinary Administration
- Coral Kent-Dennis — for Operational Excellence as laboratory technician in the Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
- Tami Lind, RVT, VTS (ECC) — for Operational Excellence as ECC/ICU veterinary nursing supervisor in the Veterinary Hospital
- Mackenzie McIntosh — for Operational Excellence as laboratory technician in the Histology Research Laboratory in the Department of Comparative Pathobiology
- Sarah Schroeder — for Operational Excellence as teaching animal protocol technologist in the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
- Audrey Songer — for Operational Excellence as laboratory technician at the HEEKE Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
- Susan Xioufaridou — for Operational Excellence as director of alumni relations and special events in the Department of Veterinary Administration
The final Bravo Award presentation honored the team of individuals coordinating the intake of COVID-19 samples in the Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory for their accomplishments above and beyond their regular job responsibilities:
- Dr. Abigail Cox, assistant professor of veterinary anatomic pathology
- Dr. Katelin Davis, resident in avian pathology
- Dr. Kristen Hill-Thimmesch, graduate teaching assistant
- Dr. Geoffrey Lossie, director of Veterinary Extension, avian diagnostician, and clinical assistant professor of pathology
- Dr. Jose Ramos-Vara, section head for Diagnostic Pathology and professor of veterinary pathology
- Dr. Mario Sola, necropsy operations coordinator and assistant professor of diagnostic pathology
- Dr. Melissa Swan, resident in anatomic pathology
- Dr. Nobuko Wakamatsu-Utsuki, anatomic pathologist and clinical associate professor
Congratulations to all the award recipients!