The human-animal bond will be working for the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine once again this weekend as animals help shine the spotlight on the college’s programs and services during Purdue’s homecoming weekend. The annual Homecoming Parade will get the festivities started tonight, with the Canine Educators as Purdue Veterinary Medicine’s entry. The group of up to 20 dogs with their student handlers are sure to be show stealers as the canines display their spirit and charm while walking the parade route that starts at State Street by Memorial Mall at 8:00 p.m., and concludes on North Martin Jischke Drive near the Tarkington Residence Hall.
The parade has a superhero theme this year and the dogs and students will be dressed accordingly. Plan to wear Canine Educator swag or PVM attire in support! The students will be handing out promotional items including tennis balls, stickers, and kid-size t-shirts. Leading the way will be two participants carrying a Canine Educators banner.

Then on Saturday, Dr. Lori Corriveau, primary care clinician, and a team of students from Small Animal Primary Care will be at the Purdue Veterinary Medicine tent on the Boilermaker Boulevard during a pre-game celebration designed to showcase a variety of Purdue colleges and programs. Interactive displays and exhibits will be set-up in a row of tents along Stadium Mall and extending past the Engineering Fountain to Memorial Mall. The PVM tent will be located in front of the Forney Hall of Chemical Engineering, near the Engineering Fountain. Accompanying the PVM team will be Dr. Corriveau’s furry companions, including two dogs and a kitty that are sure to stop passers-by in their tracks. The booth also will feature pet tips and other pet care information as well as some giveaways. Visitors also will have a chance to play “tick toss” and ask the students questions.
The Homecoming pre-game event also will feature live entertainment by the Purdue alumni band Chameleon on the lawn by the Neil Armstrong Statue that’s near the intersection of Stadium and North University streets. So plan to get out and enjoy what promises to be a beautiful weekend while watching tonight’s parade and then traversing the Boilermaker Boulevard before the Homecoming football game tomorrow to check out the PVM tent, visit with the Small Animal Primary Care team, and soak-up some warm, fuzzy feelings from PVM’s canine and feline representatives!