Spotlight on Students: Meet Veterinary Nursing Student Organization VP Lillian Arnold

The Vet Gazette continues its “Spotlight on Students” feature this week by focusing on Lillian Arnold, a veterinary nursing student who serves as vice president of the Veterinary Nursing Student Organization (VNSO). Lillian grew-up showing animals in 4-H which taught her the responsibility of caring for animals and sparked her passion for looking after both large and small animals.

Lillian chose the Purdue University Veterinary Nursing Program because it’s ranked as the number one program in the nation. As a self-described hands-on learner, Lillian also knew she would gain the kinesthetic learning experiences she needed to be successful. She has appreciated the care and compassion that instructors and staff show towards students and their dedication to each student’s learning experience. Lillian has spent 1,200 hours in clinics over the course of four years and she said that is a unique and valuable aspect of the Purdue Veterinary Nursing Program.

By being actively involved in VNSO, Lillian has had opportunities to grow in her leadership, communication, and organizational skills. This year, she is in charge of the veterinary nursing exhibit at the upcoming College of Veterinary Medicine Open House.  She said she has enjoyed the exciting experience of planning for the event. She also said VNSO provides all members, including herself, many ways to learn more about all the career options available in veterinary nursing.

Lillian is specifically interested in the areas of emergency and critical care (ECC) and oncology. She loves the fast-paced environment and the significance of the work involved in those specialty fields. She also has a passion for working with children who have special needs.  Those experiences have taught her about the significance of the human-animal bond and inspired her to eventually become certified in Equine Animal Assisted Therapy.

Lillian will be completing her veterinary nursing externship at the IndyVet Emergency and Specialty Hospital in Indianapolis this summer. She hopes to begin her career as an ECC or oncology veterinary nurse as well as gain her certification in Equine Assisted Therapy. She looks forward to pursuing a career in anything that combines her love of helping animals and those with disabilities.

Writer(s): Amanda McCormick, PVM Communications Intern |

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