The focus of this week’s Vet Gazette “Spotlight on Students” is SAVMA Purdue President-elect Matt Schiffman, of the DVM Class of 2021. Originally from New Jersey, Matt chose to pursue a career in veterinary medicine because of his long-term passion for animals. “Throughout my life I have always gravitated towards animals,” Matt explained. His interest in veterinary medicine surfaced when he was in high school and began volunteering at a local small animal hospital.
Matt completed his undergraduate studies in veterinary and biomedical sciences at Penn State University before coming to Purdue. He chose Purdue Veterinary Medicine because he believed in both the curriculum and the “all in this together” mindset that he sensed in the College. The family atmosphere that was evident during the interview process set the College apart from the other schools he was considering.
Since enrolling, Matt has found that the College of Veterinary Medicine’s Office of Global Engagement has played a significant role in his enjoyment of his educational experience. His interaction with the office led him to a study abroad opportunity in Mexico, where he learned about marine mammal medicine as he gained hands-on experience with physical exams and diagnostic tests on dolphins, sea turtles, manatees, and sea lions.
Matt’s involvement in SAVMA Purdue has given him experience in collaboration, leadership, and communication. As president-elect, Matt has been able to work with students and staff throughout the College and assist in alumni relations activities. Matt looks forward to having additional involvement in various areas of the College as next year’s SAVMA Purdue president.
After veterinary school, Matt plans to work in a small animal practice and eventually open up a practice of his own. During his time in veterinary school, he has realized how much he enjoys clinical pathology. “Bloodwork is such an important piece to the diagnostic puzzle,” Matt said. “I really enjoy thinking about the snapshot in time we take and how it relates to the big picture of what we are seeing in front of us and how the patient is affected.”
As a member of the PVM family, Matt exhibits the core values of the College in his academic pursuits and extracurricular activities. As he accepts his role of SAVMA Purdue president in the coming school year, Matt will be able to take advantage of even more opportunities to pursue his veterinary goals.
The Vet Gazette “Spotlight on Students” is a series featuring several student leaders in the DVM and Veterinary Nursing programs.