Retirement Reception Honors Pam White

Pam White, PVM-IT media and instructional technology specialist, at her retirement reception with Dean Willie Reed and PVM-IT Support Services Director Dave Chasey.

Congratulations are in order for Purdue Veterinary Medicine Media and Instructional Technology Specialist Pam White, who is retiring at the end of April.  A reception in her honor was held Monday, April 16, in the Continuum Café.

Pam White received a commemorative PVM blanket in recognition of her retirement.

Pam joined the Purdue University staff in ITaP’s Teaching and Learning Technologies group in 2007.  Four years later, she came to the College of Veterinary Medicine as part of the Media and Instructional Technology portion of PVM-IT (then known as MIIT).  In recognizing Pam at the reception, PVM-IT Support Services Director Dave Chasey said Pam helped bring in-house instructional technology support for faculty and staff to PVM, including Blackboard support, electronic testing through Respondus and Examsoft, and the use of video conferencing in the classroom to allow instruction from faculty around the world. “Pam worked extensively with many faculty members to develop and improve innovative course materials and enhance the learning experience of the students,” Dave said.

PVM Dean Willie Reed also praised Pam, saying she brought special expertise to the College.  “I know the many hours that you worked with our faculty,” Dean Reed said at the reception.  “You brought a level of expertise that we desperately needed in this college and we are going to miss you tremendously.  On behalf of our faculty, staff, and students, thank you for making a difference here at PVM.”

Congratulations, Pam, on your retirement and best wishes!

Writer(s): Kevin Doerr |

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