Recognition Ceremony Honors PVM Staff at Year’s End

Dean Reed joins Bravo Award winners in front of the Continuum sculpture
Dean Reed joins some of the Bravo Award recipients in front of the Continuum sculpture following the Staff Service Recognition Ceremony. Pictured: (top row, left-right) Christy DeYoung and Kenzie Pfledderer; (front row, left-right) Nancy Allrich, Alyx Guadarrama, Wright Frazier, Dean Willie Reed, Shelly Opperman, Amanda Taylor, Paige Allen, Megan Pickering, Ashlee Hershman, Brittany Laflen, Susan Xioufaridou, Debra Lubelski, and Tricia Johnson.

The Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine’s Staff Service Recognition Ceremony honored staff members for service anniversaries and special accomplishments at the conclusion of 2021.  Held December 14 in Lynn 1136, the event maintained a long-standing tradition of honoring staff members for their years of service to the college and Purdue. In addition to celebrating service anniversaries, the ceremony also recognized staff and faculty who completed the Center of Excellence for Diversity and Inclusion in Veterinary Medicine Certificate Program, and recognized new recipients of the Bravo Awards.

Dean Willie Reed began the ceremony by emphasizing the importance of service anniversary milestones. “I am thankful that we are able to come together in-person this year to continue this important and meaningful tradition in our college,” Dean Reed said. “A number of our PVM staff members have reached significant service anniversaries this year, and it is very fitting to celebrate these milestones with them.” Staff members were honored in groups according to the number of their years of service, beginning with those who have completed ten years of service to the University and continuing in five year increments to those who have served the University 25, 30, 35, and even 40 years. The staff members who were honored during the ceremony are:

Ten Years of Service:

Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory

  • Aimee Highland, communications and special projects coordinator

Department of Comparative Pathobiology:

  • Christopher Charles, HABRI central project manager

Department of Veterinary Administration:

  • Adrianne Fisch, engagement program manager
  • Allison Gardner, assistant director of communications
  • Samantha McFarland, director of financial affairs

Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences:

  • Jessica Mabbitt, graduate and international programs coordinator

Purdue University Veterinary Hospital:

  • Jolene Knuth, anesthesiology technologist supervisor
  • Tami Lind, emergency and critical care veterinary technician supervisor
  • Katrina Mijatovich, laundry attendant
  • Cassandra Simmons, small animal surgery technologist
15 Years of Service:

Department of Veterinary Administration:

  • Jennifer Ashley, veterinary skills and competencies manager

Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences:

  • Sarah Schroeder, teaching animal protocol technologist

Purdue University Veterinary Hospital:

  • Wilson Gwin, pharmacy director
  • Renee Macy, bill auditor and client liaison
20 Years of Service:

Department of Veterinary Administration:

  • Josh Clark, Distance Learning Instructional Technologist

Purdue University Veterinary Hospital

  • Dr. Lori Corriveau, primary care clinician
  • Jessica Schneider, swine field service technologist
25 Years of Service:

Purdue University Veterinary Hospital:

  • Cynthia Voglewede, small animal primary care technologist
30 Years of Service:

Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory:

  • Brenda Turner, serology laboratory supervisor

Department of Veterinary Administration:

  • Nancy Allrich, director of IT operations
Dean Reed and Lee Ann stand together smiling outside in front of the Continuum sculpture
Dean Reed recognized Lee Ann Happ, PVM lead operations administrator, for 40 years of service to Purdue University.
35 Years of Service:

Department of Veterinary Administration:

  • Paige Allen, assistant director of academic advising and recruitment

Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences

  • Patricia Kirts, information processing systems operator
40 Years of Service:

Department of Veterinary Administration:

  • Lee Ann Happ, PVM lead operations administrator

“Congratulations to all of these members of our PVM family – thank you for your dedication and loyalty to our college and Purdue University,” Dean Reed said. “It is truly an honor to be able to celebrate these service anniversaries with you!”

Next, Dean Reed presented certificates to faculty and staff members who have completed the online Certificate Program for Diversity and Inclusion in Veterinary Medicine. “Diversity and inclusion are key components of our college’s values and culture, and we are proud of these individuals for their dedication in promoting a collegial work and learning environment enhanced by diversity,” Dean Reed said as he introduced the following certificate recipients:

  • Terri Donald, senior administrative assistant, Purdue University Veterinary Hospital
  • Savanna Harrison, pathology laboratory technician, Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
  • Sarah Leighton, graduate student, Department of Comparative Pathobiology; and,
  • Daniela Cecila Peña Hernandez, microbiology resident, Department of Comparative Pathobiology and Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory.

Dean Reed concluded the recognition ceremony by presenting Bravo Awards, which recognize substantial accomplishments by Purdue employees that extend well beyond regular work responsibilities. The awards can be given to acknowledge exceptional efforts in any of four categories:

  • Moving the University Forward — accomplishments or contributions that transform or advance university objectives;
  • Innovation and Creativity — innovative work or suggestions well beyond standard job requirements that significantly improve operational efficiencies or introduce new or improved processes;
  • Operational Excellence — extraordinary effort during times of critical departmental need; and,
  • Fiscal Stewardship — significant cost saving or cost avoidance realized beyond normally expected or established standards.

Each of the Bravo Award recipients received a certificate as well as a cash prize. The following awardees were selected based on nominations submitted for the second half of 2021:

  • Nancy Allrich, recognized for Operational Excellence as director of IT operations in PVM Information Technology in the Department of Veterinary Administration (VAD)
  • Alison Clauser, recognized for Operational Excellence as histology laboratory supervisor in the Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (ADDL)
  • Christy DeYoung, recognized for Innovation/Creativity and Operational Excellence as diagnostic imaging technologist in the Veterinary Hospital
  • Alyx Guadarrama, recognized for Operational Excellence as instructional designer in PVM Information Technology in VAD
  • Brittany Laflen, recognized for Moving the University Forward and Operational Excellence as small animal surgery and neurology technician in the Veterinary Hospital
  • Debra Lubelski, recognized for Operational Excellence as parasitology laboratory technician in the ADDL

Additionally, three teams were recognized with Bravo Awards:

  • Paige Allen, assistant director of academic advising and recruitment; Shelly Opperman, academic advisor; and Amanda Taylor, senior administrative assistant, were recognized for Operational Excellence as members of the team that coordinated the Student Services Career Fair in Lynn Hall in November
  • The team of Veterinary Hospital Versa Technicians Shelley Harmon, Ashlee Hershman, Kenzie Gerber, Megan Stearns, and Victoria Shackelford was recognized for Operational Excellence in supporting shelter medicine and Priority 4 Paws
  • Engagement team members Wright Frazier, director of web communications; Tricia Johnson, administrative assistant; and Susan Xioufaridou, director of alumni relations and special events, were recognized for supporting the Centers for the Human-Animal Bond Conference in November

Congratulations to all of the award recipients!

Writer(s): Susan Xioufaridou |

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