Purdue Day of Giving Brings in Financial Resources for PVM

Friday, May 11, 2018

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Love a Lab PDoG event pictured

Purdue students stop by PVM’s “Love a Lab” event to take advantage of a chance to pet Karmah and Hickory, two dogs from the Clinical Skills Lab, for a donation in support of PVM during the Purdue Day of Giving.

Purdue University achieved another record during the Purdue Day of Giving, which was held April 25, and Purdue Veterinary Medicine was part of the success.  The University set the collegiate record for single-day fundraising with a total of $37.6 million donated through the Purdue Day of Giving.  That bested the University’s own record-setting performance of $28.2 million in 2017. This year’s online event marked the fourth consecutive year that Purdue has raised the most dollars for higher education in a 24-hour time-span.

Ron Hullinger pictured at WBAA PDoG booth

Dr. Ron Hullinger holds his favorite gnome while gathering with PVM students who stopped by the booth in Lynn Hall where they could enter a drawing for free WBAA memberships during the Purdue Day of Giving. Joining Dr. Hullinger are (left-right) Brent Unruh, William Willis, Brooke Kline, and Thane Boyce, all of the DVM Class of 2020, as well as WBAA student intern Alyssa Ross.

The Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine received a total of $466,554 in donations for the day.  As part of the College’s Purdue Day of Giving activities, more than 60 people stopped by the “Love a Lab” event on Memorial Mall near Stewart Center, where they could donate gifts in order to play with dogs from PVM’s Clinical Skills Lab. The ‘Love a Lab’ event proved to be the most successful Purdue Day of Giving event across the whole campus.

Another feature of PVM’s Purdue Day of Giving participation involved a special opportunity for students courtesy of Dr. Ron Hullinger, now professor emeritus of Basic Medical Sciences.  Dr. Hullinger made available to students 30 gift memberships to WBAA, Purdue University’s public radio station.  Interested students were able to enter a drawing for the memberships by stopping at a WBAA booth manned by Dr. Hullinger at the main north entrance to Lynn Hall.

Additionally, Purdue Veterinary Medicine received bonus Purdue Day of Giving funds through the ‘Share the Video’ challenge.  The College also received additional bonus funds for having the 1,869th Purdue Day of Giving donation.

The PVM Advancement Office would like to extend a big “Thank You” to everyone who participated during the Purdue Day of Giving.

Writer(s): Kevin Doerr | pvmnews@purdue.edu

Category: Giving

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