Purdue Day of Giving 2021 is Coming Soon!

Friday, April 9, 2021

Make a Gift
Support the College

Mark your calendar for April 28 as the Purdue community takes part in the 2021 Purdue Day of Giving, an annual 24-hour fundraising event. No matter how you choose to engage whether its with financial support, social media mentions, participating in hourly challenges, or just by encouraging others to join in – you will be helping grant opportunities for the next generation of veterinary students, advancing life-changing research, helping the College of Veterinary Medicine complete the new David and Bonnie Brunner Purdue Veterinary Medical Hospital Complex and so much more!

Last year, the College of Veterinary Medicine received an outpouring of financial support from generous alumni, clients, faculty, staff, students, and friends. Over $1.3 million was received with gifts designated for 40 different programs and initiatives, including new facilities, DVM and Veterinary Nursing scholarships, research, and financial assistance for clients in need.

The Purdue Day of Giving offers many opportunities for participation such as:

  1. Make a gift to support your favorite College of Veterinary Medicine program to keep us moving forward and improving the lives of animals and humans.
  2. Join the competition and give online during hourly challenges that help us win bonus funds from the university.
  3. Share your favorite pet photos, personal stories, and Purdue memories. This is a great way to join in the fun and connect with others!
  4. Encourage your friends and family to participate and spread the word about the amazing ways the College of Veterinary Medicine and Purdue University Veterinary Hospital change lives every day for the better.

This year, once again participants will have the opportunity to support the hospital’s Leave A Print campaign, as well as the new PVM Office of Engagement program League of VetaHumanz.

Stay tuned for additional videos and information on how to get involved to be emailed out in the next few weeks. Until then, ask yourself – How has Purdue Veterinary Medicine enhanced my life? Pay it forward at dayofgiving.purdue.edu.

Click here to watch a teaser video and feel the buzz of excitement!

Writer(s): Amanda Dunkle and Allison Carey | pvmnews@purdue.edu

Category: Giving

Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, 625 Harrison Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907, 765-494-7607

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